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  • Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

hey guys

Silver sides will definitely the better option as it has the marine fatty acids or something like that which freshwater feeder fish lack. Freshwater fish might sometimes have copper in them from copper based medications, This can be extremely fatal to cephs.
There are lots of different foods you can try with your octo. Their first favorite is always live crabs, but you can try pieces of fresh scallop or marine fish - also frozen shrimp (thawed and same temperature as the water).

How big is your octopus and do you know what species it is?

welcome to tonmo.com :)

well it all depends on what size the octo is... the same size as its mantle or less is fine

what species do you have?

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