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here comes my painting

Jul 22, 2004
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Hello my ceph-friends :D

I am painting from time to time and thought I should share my latest painting with you. It shows 5 cuttles and it was done with oil + acrylic paint on a 70 x 100 cm canvas...
I don't have any title for it yet - so suggestions are welcome :)

And here it is

Well, I did not know one could do that Kevin, thanks!

Brilliant painting. PLEASE try and take a full on view and submit it to the Gallery.

Oh such talent..... :notworth: :notworth: :notworth:

Never knew to do that either...thanks for the tip!!
Fantastic painting...love the use of light...magical !!
Thanks, thanks, thanks :notworth: ... happy you liked it

Oohh, this poor thing still doesn't have any name :|

I took some front-view-pictures, but had problems with light reflections. It either was too dark (no colors) or too bright (shiny and no colors) :bugout:. One pic is ok and was submitted to the gallery ... The real painting is much nicer though, so you have to come here to see it :mrgreen:

Hello :D

Attention please! :mrgreen:
I'm proudly presenting my new painting here (hope the imagefile is visible). It's oil on canvas (70 x 100 cm) and shows a cuttle and a poor crab, seahorses, jellyfishes, seastars, a lionfish, a ray and some :goldfish: ...

Suggestions on a title for this one are greatly appreciated :notworth:...

here comes a recent painting...

Hi :grin:

As promised on the introduction thread last week, I will upload some of the paintings I did during the last year. Apparently I was not able to find the upload-button to the tonmo-gallery however (does anybody know how to upload?... I can't remember how I did it before :razz:), I will share some pics here...

The first (most recent) one is this:


Oil on canvas
100 x 70 cm
"Traum, verursacht durch den nahenden Abgabetermin, eine Sekunde vor dem Aufwachen"
"Dream caused by the approaching deadline one second before waking up"
K Wolfram 2005-06​

This painting was done while writing on the final parts of my master's thesis and shows some things I spend my time (and dreams :) on during the past year:
The genetic variability among cuttlefishes from various areas was investigated and some work was done on the oxygen carrier haemocyanin... In the meantime, cuttlefishes were raised with plenty of food (Crangon) from tiny hatchlings to gorgeous animals with mantle lengths of currently more than 15 cm (Jan 06). Sheepish hermit crabs were hired as cleaner for some of our tanks... Well, that's enough explanation for the moment :grin:

In the end this painting was also used as cover illustration of my master's thesis.

Hope you like it - if you do, pls let me know :mrgreen:

Best regards from Germany,
K :cuttle:

P.S.: By the way, we are still looking for tissue (or/and blood!) samples from cuttlefishes from the Mediterranean Sea. If you can help, pls let me know...

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