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Feb 1, 2006
Hey guys,

My name is Ryan and I live in Alberta, Canada.

Ever since I was a young guy (kindergarten) I just loved the octopus. Like I mean fanatically. I bought tons of stuffed octopus toys. Tape recorded shows that had octopus in them. Everything totally octopus, my room is just full of them. Then as I got older I had fads like comic book reading about Dr. Octopus. I spent tons of money on all that stuff, even polly pocket [stuff]. (edited by tonmo)

But I'm now in my twenties and I've outgrown most of that kid stuff. I usually play a game called World of Warcraft now.

However I still have a soft spot for the octopus, although it's hidden most of the time. I came around watching a cartoon "Tako the Octopus" which eventually lead me here. And I find this fascinating forum all about the octopus, and keeping one as a pet (childhood dream).

So that's me heh. Anyone else have this sort of sort of bizzare connection to the octopus? While live octopus were cute in their own way, there was something about cartoon octopus that just was utterly cute. Big heads and arms.

And if you own the octopus, mind telling me stories about it! I really enjoy reading octopus stories and how they are.
DarkTerror said:

Ever since I was a young guy (kindergarten) I just loved the octopus. Like I mean fanatically.


But I'm now in my twenties and I've outgrown most of that kid stuff. I usually play a game called World of Warcraft now.

Er, although I'm sure there's some WoW players around here, most of us never outgrew the loving octopuses stage... Personally, I prefer StarCraft (although I wish the Zerg were a little more cephalopodish)...
but actually, I find learning about cephs has been more of a long-term fascination for me than most games.
:lol: :welcome: :lol:
As a young child it 2 was a dream of mine to have a pet ocotpus. As my dad cought them and told me stories to me about them upon request all the time. When I finally got one which was 1 or 2 years ago it died within the first day I had it. Then as time went on i continued to catch and keep octopus and even a squid (which turned out badly) and continued to get better better at keeping them. lol ok enough of my rant... I just wanted 2 welcome u to tonmo! btw I play WOW (sometimes) also lol.
monty said:
Er, although I'm sure there's some WoW players around here, most of us never outgrew the loving octopuses stage... Personally, I prefer StarCraft (although I wish the Zerg were a little more cephalopodish)...
but actually, I find learning about cephs has been more of a long-term fascination for me than most games.

:lol: U play starcraft? lol me 2! Its like 7 years old isnt it?
Octomush said:
:lol: U play starcraft? lol me 2! Its like 7 years old isnt it?

Yeah, but it's still great. And StarCraft Ghost is supposed to come out this year!

But really, I hadn't played it for a couple of years, but just decided last week I would get it running under WINE on my linux laptop and see if it's still fun, and I'm hooked on re-doing the Brood War levels...
monty said:
Yeah, but it's still great. And StarCraft Ghost is supposed to come out this year!

But really, I hadn't played it for a couple of years, but just decided last week I would get it running under WINE on my linux laptop and see if it's still fun, and I'm hooked on re-doing the Brood War levels...

Hahaha yeah, i just started playing again not long ago 2 lol. Satrcraft ghost looks awesome.
:welcome: to Tonmo ! Pay no heed to the gamers...and yes, quite a few of us, if not most, have loved cephs from an early age.

Hi Ryan!

Welcome to TONMO. Hope you have fun here!


Thanks guys for the welcome. Which servers is this guild or which servers do you play on? (Faction too, that's important)

One of the things I've done in WoW that connects to octopus stuff is the wintersquid food. I just got myself some of that and gave it to an alt. It serves no practical use if I don't eat it (and I won't) but it's just there.

So do you guys have any pet names for Octopus? I see a lot of people call them Octos. I usually referred to mine as "Ocky", I saw some guy type "Occie", but I think the spelling looks weird heh.
Hi and welcome to TONMO.com!:welcome:

We call them octos, in Australia and New Zealand we see octi more - if you want to look at the individual octopus names, go to the thread called List of Our Octopuses at the top of the Journals and Photos forum under Ceph Care. There you'll find a list of our current and past octopuses, complete with names.

Thanks, that was rather interesting to know what people name their octopus.

Just wondering, when an octopus dies, what do most people do with it?

As well has anyone ever found a game where they were playing a sea animal (preferably octopus) and had to fight/kill stuff to survive?

10 years ago I thought they would expand on this idea a bit more. Although I never saw anything like it.

10 years ago there was a game called Odell Down Under, where you got to play an animal out of 100 species in the great barrier reef. Although kind of stupid by today's standards, back then it was great.

Unfortunately there was no octopus, but you did get to play as a cuttlefish. Got to squirt ink and the whole bit.
Hahaha i remember Oddel down under. I didnt know there was a cuttle though. Also theres another game for the nes caled EVO and u can be a fish and evolve. Its rly cool but u cant be a ceph u just kill em. U can get an emulator version.

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