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hello!! I shall lurk no more!


Jul 2, 2005
Hi everyone! I've been watching these forums for a while, and figured that I may as well start posting.

the little obligatory "about me" section:

I recently graduated college, double majoring in Art/Animation and Animal behavior/Anatomy, I love animals and I do wildlife rehab as well as have a menagerie of my very own; but I have not yet kept any octo, cuttles or squid although once I stop moving around and settle, I might :mrgreen:

and umm... yeah :grin: that's about it.
:welcome: to Tonmo !!! We are almost kindred spirits, as I did a double dunk with the arts and animal degree too...you will have to let us know all of what you have at your zoo.

Hi MonaS
welcome to TONMO.com.. I cant even colour in without going over the lines but there are plenty arty people here :)

Let us know if you take the plunge with ceph care :)

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