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Finally ready to introduce myself


O. vulgaris
Dec 14, 2002
Reaction score
:D So I've finally got up the courage to poke my head out of masters long enough to say hello. I've been a member for awhile but haven't really posted much mainly due to lack of time and Jean beating me to it.

As for what I do... I'm currently doing my masters basically redescribing the family of Ommastrephid squid in NZ waters. I also work with Jean at the aquarium down here in the depths of the south Island. My main interest was in octopus but (I'm blaming Jean on this one) I've now broadened my horizons to include squid (I have to say the little guys are cute). Well thats about enough and hopefully I will get some more posts up once I've clawed my way out of my pile of references I should be reading. Cheers
Welcome to the illustrious gathering of cephalopodal whackos that is Tonmo!!! I can understand the paper problem...went through that too, and not a whole lot of fun...
Glad you'll be posting :D Look forward to hearing more!
..... and I've sorted out a ton of additional ommastrephid references for you Kerry (many quite obscure, a number in Japanese, but the greatest majority referring to the NZ fauna).

Will catch up for some liquid refreshments next week
My main interest was in octopus but (I'm blaming Jean on this one) I've now broadened my horizons to include squid

Not my fault! Tis all the fault of George Jackson! I contracted cephalopod mania from him when I worked as his assistant. Is it my fault the condition is exceptionally contagious? :goofysca: :goofysca: :goofysca:

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