feeding frozen food


Pygmy Octopus
Nov 21, 2004
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I've had my baby bimac for a few weeks and he is doing great - eating lots of little clams, wandering around during the day, racing to the front of the tank to be fed whenever he sees me.

I tried feeding him frozen prawns. He seemed to accept it (attacked them and took them back to his den). But when I came back later it looked like they were all sitting on the sand. Is there anything I can do to make them more appetizing or is there something else I should try.

Any ideas appreciated
What size are the prawns? Could they be too big for him? Did you check to see whether he had nibbled on them? Perhaps try a piece of frozen thawed shrimp on a feeding stick.

I always tried to buy the best quality shrimp from a fish market where I knew the shrimp had been frozen as soon as caught in the Gulf and kept frozen until a few hours before I bought them. I thought that might make them more appealing and it perservd the nutritional value.

My bimac also accepted pieces of fresh scallop when she was young.

Try live snails and smaller hermit crabs for a little bimac.


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