Entertainment ideas?


Jun 3, 2019
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Hey everyone, I’ve had my mimic octo for a few weeks now and he’s been doing great, he is currently only eating frozen krill and silversides. He hasn’t tried eating my two Chromis fish or clown at all! And he’s been interested in a few of my red and blue leg crabs but hasn’t eaten any of them, needless to say I’m looking for good ideas on how to keep him entertained and stimulated, I’ve tried LEGO’s and even putting his food in a jar to see if he’ll open it but he want nothing to do with any of that, he just seems to like to hang out stick to the glass and every so often poke his eyes out of the water. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I just want to make sure the little man is happy.
Hi @Oakes_903! I've moved your post to the Exotics and Rare Species forum, since we're talking about a mimic.

Have you tried interacting with finger shapes outside the tank? I know we've had some octos on the forum that like to watch TV... I think @Nancy had a bimac that would wave hello and goodbye to here :smile:
Hi @Oakes_903! I've moved your post to the Exotics and Rare Species forum, since we're talking about a mimic.

Have you tried interacting with finger shapes outside the tank? I know we've had some octos on the forum that like to watch TV... I think @Nancy had a bimac that would wave hello and goodbye to here :smile:
I have and he seems like he doesn’t even notice, whenever I put just the tip of my finger in the water he wraps right around it but immediately starts to nip at it as if I was food.
I'm not sure if this would work with a mimic since they behave differently but my bimacs loved this ball with holes in it. To encourage interaction I would stuff a clam or other tasty morsel for them to have to think through how to get to it.
I have had no luck with any sort of entertainment for my mimic. I am inclined to think that they lack the need like other octopuses to exercise their brains, perhaps because they come from mudflats that are generally devoid of any sort of, well, anything? Heck, mine never even tried to hide in the rock work I provided (and still doesn’t to this day).
I have had no luck with any sort of entertainment for my mimic. I am inclined to think that they lack the need like other octopuses to exercise their brains, perhaps because they come from mudflats that are generally devoid of any sort of, well, anything? Heck, mine never even tried to hide in the rock work I provided (and still doesn’t to this day).
Enrichment can actually come in various forms. Things such as every few days changing the water flow direction or adding a new food item can also count as enriching for an animal. It does not always have to involve a toy. Having to adjust to a new water flow is very stimulating.
As some more things to think on. Hope it helps !
These are some good points. In addition, changing the tank environment (moving rocks around, changing plant locations etc.) can also be a good way to stimulate your animal in the absence of toys.

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