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Dreams and HK

Oct 7, 2004
Few nights ago, I was dreaming about something strange. There I was, in my house when I saw a evil :twisted: classmate down the load firing special anti-matter missile :confused: ( I don't know, but my dream told me). Then when I came out off the bathroom, I saw that the sea has risen 100m and I was looking through the binoculars and I can see some cephs ( possibly squid and ammonite on the surface of the sea fighting with some scaly fish that looks strangly prehistoric. Then I somehow saw Bush and Blair somehow appearing at my house, and telling me to climb to the 36th floor ( I live on the 28) Then I easily climbed out there to find me evil classmate, Sam :twisted: . He killed Bush and pushed Blair down the building, all what was left was a leather glove. Then I woke up. :roll:

You can't really watch that much of the anime when your working as hard as Dr.SOS :razz: How hard does SOS work? No idea....
Well, teachers in my school are evil, they give you tons of homework, but I admit, I dreamnt that last night again (sigh), after watching the day after tmrw...there was snow in my dream, it all started after the ceph scene....( Anyone in HK are going to HK?)
I don't think I can sleep since it's 1:03 in the morning right now and I have school at 7;00. Do the next Steve O'Shea have regular sleeping patterns? Answer: NO. :neutral:
chrono_war01 said:
( I don't know, but my dream told me).
Yeah me too...my dreams always tell me lots of things...
The voices! i meant the voices tell me things!!!
usually is rather cool.. like blowing stuff up :twisted:

Come along to NZ, you'll fit right in with Steve's crew of nutjobs...
I would know. :grin:
I'd love to come but I don't have the money to get air tickets since my mom is not willing to sponser me, skool takes most of my time and Dr. SOS doesn't like 14yr olds poking around his lab trying to find his "secret weapon'
Last, NZ is so far from HK its like going to Mars for me :cry:
chrono_war01 said:
I'd love to come but I don't have the money to get air tickets since my mom is not willing to sponser me, skool takes most of my time and Dr. SOS doesn't like 14yr olds poking around his lab trying to find his "secret weapon'
Awww, he's just saying that to test your resolve, you should ask him...again...and again...and again...and again...and again... and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...et caetera ad nauseum
it works in the Simpsons :lol:

Last, NZ is so far from HK its like going to Mars for me :cry:
made the trip all the way from Europe... to me HK is, like, next door to NZ :grin:

Sure even if my parents did give me money, I couldn't just ask Dr. SOS like 'Dear Dr.SOS,
My name is Eric and I am yr yr old. Can I come to NZ to see you
and annoy you?

Nope, can't do that, it's very unlikely my parents will give me money since they think that biologists earn very little and they want me to become a lawyer or docter..
chrono_war01 said:
Sure even if my parents did give me money, I couldn't just ask Dr. SOS like 'Dear Dr.SOS,
My name is Eric and I am yr yr old. Can I come to NZ to see you
and annoy you?

That's more or less what i did :wink2:
But yeah, get your diplomas then come and pester :oshea:

Nope, can't do that, it's very unlikely my parents will give me money since they think that biologists earn very little and they want me to become a lawyer or docter..

Your parents are right....unfortunately :cry:

chrono_war01 said:
Sure even if my parents did give me money, I couldn't just ask Dr. SOS like 'Dear Dr.SOS,
My name is Eric and I am yr yr old. Can I come to NZ to see you
and annoy you?


Ummmmm ........ Howdo Eric. Ja, you can come annoy me any old time, though TPOTH, Matt and Tintenfisch (Lady TTF - she'll be back online soon) will all tell you that it's not all roses all of the time over here ... in fact there haven't been too many roses of late - just a lot of work.

There are many cephalopod fanatics far closer to your home than way down here at the end of the Earth, in New Zealand, so perhaps you should broaden your horizons a little and start having a look around at what is on offer locally. Galveston is a great place to see live squid and meet squid guru people; are you far from there? Perhaps if you mention what city you live in you might well find another TONMO member living there that would like to meet or mentor you.

At the tender age of 14 I think that it's great that you're hooked on cephalopods. Don't ever give up! I started way late ... way, way late ....

And you SHOULD sleep more often, more regular hours. I'm an insomniac - don't worry about my hours.

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