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Cuttlefish in Taiwan


Jul 28, 2005
Hey! :grin:
It's really excited to know that so many people are interested in keeping cuttlefish around the world.

I got my first cuttlefish egg mass in April this year.
4 months later (now), 3 of them are still alive.
Their body size are about 10cm now.
There are about 10 species in Taiwan.
It need more time to tell who these little guys are.

I have recored the egg's development and juvenile's growth.
:welcome: to check them on the website!
(although many chinese character inside,i try to add English on the pictures and hope u can enjoy it~ :lol: )
Excellent!! Very nice to see your pictures.

I really really like the flamboyant cuttle too - is this yours?

If I was to take a guess at the identification of your babies, I'd probably say Sepia Aculeata, just from the markings of 3 circular markings on the picture where the cuttlefish is white.

I'm no identification expert though, and am only looking at this with the book Cephalopods - A world Guide borrowed of Colin!!!)

Can you give more information on your complete cuttlefish set ups?
yes! The flamboyant cuttle are mine. :grin:
It's easily to see them in June here (diving).
I try to take some individuals back to my tank.
Most of them are females, and I lost them after they laying eggs.
The babies are hatched BUT not survival at all. :cry:
In my experience, it is more difficult to keep them then the cuttlefish.
Mikey said:
Excellent!! Very nice to see your pictures.

I really really like the flamboyant cuttle too - is this yours?

If I was to take a guess at the identification of your babies, I'd probably say Sepia Aculeata, just from the markings of 3 circular markings on the picture where the cuttlefish is white.

I'm no identification expert though, and am only looking at this with the book Cephalopods - A world Guide borrowed of Colin!!!)

Can you give more information on your complete cuttlefish set ups?

I have also read about the "3 circular markings" pattern of S. aculeata. :grin:
BUT as u can see on my web, their parrent do not look like the S. aculeata. They have big size (45cm above). :shock:

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