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Finding cuttlefish eggs in the US

Ya, last I checked, MBL is only supplying to labs. I may work on this at some point to establish a trusted channel, but it will take some work!
I believe this to be the case for MBL. They likely don't have the bandwidth to sell to hobbyists unfortunately :( I'm not sure of anyone else selling bandensis eggs right now but if that changes I will post an update.

You may have more luck sourcing a wild-caught adult but that may be equally difficult. Let us know if you manage to source any!
Hi all,

Just wanted to give an update. Paradise Pets finally sourced them and shipped them to me. water was pretty cold when they arrived, but the seller told me it should be no problem. He said they should hatch within 2 weeks.

I will keep you updated

thank you!
Dear all,

I have been trying to find Bandesis eggs in the US. I saw this petshop online and mentioned in the forum Paradise Pets: Cuttlefish Eggs I called and they do not have them, and they are not responsive at all.

Any idea of who could be selling Bandensis eggs now?

Thank you!
Paradise Pet Shop has Sepia Bandensis eggs in stock at the moment.
Thanks for letting us know @Terry

@freeflaw, they hatched almost all the eggs. Sadly, the baby cuttlefish died one by one each day. I think feeding them with live adult brine shrimp is not enough because I did not have enough amphipods.

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