Animal Mother;97694 said:
I feel/do the same.
Thats the interesting part of this discussion! I don't think it is that cut and dry. I'd love to explore it more, its the ethics addict in me, but some people don't enjoy that kind of conversation (even more so over the internet). The 'done' suggests to me that you might feel that way (which is fine!), so out of respect I'll drop it unless I hear from you.
Well, perhaps we can start with a persons motivation. Then intention. Then the final result of the involved action/s. Tons of factors go into a persons code of ethics and all the gray area between "wrong" and "right". I don't want to force any of my ideas down anyones throat, but at the same time I feel responsible for defending what I feel is "right".
For example. I respect you deeply for being able to take care of Fontanelle regardless of the reputation for the species. From my perspective you made an educated, mature decision because you have done your homework and you are in a position to contribute the necessary care involved. You took a chance but your knowledge, competence and commitment have paid off.
Some other people will go into that situation more blindly and less informed, and/or less capable as well, and when the animal dies, they likely won't have a clue why. Or they will possibly disregard all warning and dive in, with full understanding of what they're getting into all the while knowing or denying the fact that they don't have the necessary means of successfully doing such. "But hey, oh well, I'll just buy another one..." is all too often the attitude too many people have. Whether that's wrong or right is up to the person making that call I suppose. Conviction.
I personally break it down to "do unto others" and that rule applies to animals too.