[Cuttlefish Eggs]: - Cuttle babies | Page 3

[Cuttlefish Eggs]: Cuttle babies

I got a codex missing error and went to MS to see if there was anything special about a .avi file. Turns out there are at least 3 different codex for .avi. I know I have the most popular one but it is not working with that flavor
You need a codec for mpeg4 .avi files. I will try to reformat them and get the new ones up later tonight or tomorrow. Newer systems should have the correct one already (Vista, if you are using windows). I know not a ton of people have Vista right now; I thought the XP would have it too, but it seems that it does not.
Wow, it's been a while since an update...

Final cuttle count is 14 babies; Six in net one and Eight in net two. The oldest cuttle in net two will be one month old on the 16th, just four days away. All of the cuttles in net 2 are pretty confident eaters. I have seen a couple eat frozen mysis shrimp, which I would feed when I ran out of live mysids and was waiting for another batch. The cuttles in net 1 are actually better at eating frozen than those in net 2, despite them being younger and more shy than the others. I believe this to be because of the extra flow, which keeps the food suspended instead of laying on the bottom. I am going to start making the transition to shore shrimp in net two in about a week. I have been only feeding once a day, I will sometimes feed twice.

All of the cuttles are beginning to be more day-active. Those in net two have started to act interested when they see me watching them. They will sometimes change colors when they see me, but more often they will just swim over a look at me. I am beginning to see a larger variety in color changes and more complex patterns, though nothing too exciting yet. I have also noticed an excess of pods on net 1, which could be due to the extra light and extra algae growth. Net two seems pretty clean from any natural fauna. I think this is because the cuttles roam along the netting and suck up any food they find. I have seen several skimming along the sides of the net and a couple along the bottom.

Cuttle size is about 1/2"-5/8" in net 2, and 3/8"-1/2" in net 1. Mysids are becoming easy to eat but big pods are still a challenge.

Was anyone able to get the videos to work? I am going to upload them to photobucket soon so they will be easily viewable by everyone and I will have new pictures up soon.
Cuttlegirl- Yes. For the first week or so I flood fed and reloaded when all/most of the shrimp were gone. Then I went on vacation, and I had the person taking care of my tank flood feed once per day. I came home and found that they really only needed one feeding a day. Like I said there were a few days I fed twice but mostly just once.
I have been without a constant supply of live mysids for almost a week. Last Wednesday I ordered some and they arrived dead except for probably about 30-50. I had some shipped out on Monday to replace them and now it seems like either the post office has messed up or the vendor slipped on my address. Either way, I am without mysids.

I was able to catch enough Mysids (as well as some nice-sized pods) from work yesterday to feed them for the day. Today I was not able to do so, as the populations in our tanks is dwindling. I got a few, but just enough to keep them from an empty stomach. I fear they will result to cannibalism if they don't get a good supply of live feed for a couple of days, which I guess would be better than them just dieing off. I am able to trick some of them to eat frozen mysis by moving it around. I think I am going to pick up either H2O's mini-mysis and/or PE's Frozen Mysis Shrimp tomorrow if I am not able to find live feed for them. Right now I am using Sally's, which has little nutrition and the shrimp are too large for some of the cuttles.
I had the best luck feeding mysids if the eyes were still on the shrimp. You could take off the tail of the mysids to make them a more manageable size for your cuttles.

I think Thales drew eyes on some of his, but I don't know what he used for a marker.
do your local fish stores have ghost shrimps or even small fish? They can be used as substitutes during emergency situations. How large are the cuttles? If you buy shore shrimp, there will probably be some in the bag that are small still. You would also be suprised how large a prey they will go for when they are hungry.

1 mysid a day is not enough in my opinion. With mysids and 2-4 weeks old bandensis, I would be able to feed up to 4-6 a day if i gave them that many. They are probably more active during the day now because they are hungry. If they are satiated, they wont move as much. For frozen food, the eyes may be important for them to recognize them as food. Typically, I will use a small stick to keep moving the frozen shrimp around until they grab it. It helps to keep the backs of the shrimps towards the head of the cuttle for this is where they want to grab it.

I also like to feed them a lot in the beginning. They will grow drastically faster and become capable of eating larger and frozen shrimps earlier. Saves money in the long run. Ive had bandensis reach sizes after 3-4 months that earlier batches couldn't reach until 6+ months because I have increased feeding. They look and seem healthier for it as well.
If a situation like this happens again, I will buy some guppies for them to eat. I was also going to try Ghost Shrimp, but we were out at work. The post office finally found my package today, and to my surprise all of the mysids are alive. Some cuttles are 3/4 of an inch, but the smallest are about 1/2 inch. How would you feed mysids with a stick? I would think that they would not be big enough to poke it through. Sorry it is taking so long to have the pictures up, I promise to have some up tomorrow, because I have both work and school off.

When I feed I put in 2-3 mysids per cuttle. I only feed once per day, however. I am starting to see more drastic color changes and patterns now that they are getting older. next time I am going to order some Shore Shrimp to see if they can handle them.
I dont skewer the shirmps I use the stick to poke at the dead shrimp to cause it to move. The movement will then attract the attention of the cuttles.

Im curently feeding mine grass shrimp. Purchased from local bait shops live for about 18 dollars a half pound. This is a lot of shrimp. They are 2-3.5 inches long on average and much larger then my cuttles, but they are being eaten alive or dead. If they cant finish them, they will leave the heads of the shrimp. You will see this once you start getting shore shrimp.

Another thing I did was to pick out the dead mysids or shore shrimps and freeze them. The cuttles seemed to eat these more redily then any store purchased frozen shrimp. I used these as food for possible emergencies when live was not available..
I would nix the guppy idea unless you can be sure they are not treated with copper. I recently discovered that most large pet stores routinely treat with copper as a preventative ...

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