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Connecting Tanks


O. vulgaris
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hey all,
I was wondering if anyone has tried to connect two tanks with pvc pipes. I want to connect my octos current tank to a much smaller one where I would put crabs for the octo to crawl through and catch. Has anyone tried somthing like this before? If so Im going to need your help.
Yes, I believe several of our members have connected tanks - I don't remember who has done this or how long ago.

Have you looked at all the photos in the Tank Owners Database to see if anyone has posted pics of such a tank?

I have two feeder tanks hooked into my main system, but I'm using flexible vinyl hose it gives the "flexibility" to add or remove tanks from the system. My plumbing to the sump is all PVC, though.

Its easiest to hook up each extra tank in the system as another display tank in series. That is, have some flow from the display tank's overflow going into the feeder tank. Have an overflow of some sorts in the feeder tank that flows into the sump or filter.

So what your saying is that it should be set up in a sort of cycle. So the water flows from tank to tank to filter and back. Is that it? It would be insanely hard to build but it sounds cool. Do you have a picture?
I don't have any pictures, unfortunately. Its really not any more difficult than planning a normal sump, you just have another tank between them! Since the feeder tank is gravity fed, you just need to have it at a height between the display and the sump. I have my two feeder tanks on a bookshelf next to the tank with movable shelves.

I like to do this by running a powerhead pumping water from the sump or tank (if tank, usually in the overflow) to the 'feeder tank' which is above the sump or tank. The 'feeder tank' then gravity drains back into the sump or tank. Essentially its running two tanks off of one sump.

I find this easier than the way Dan has done his. :D
Not necessarily. It just means fewer pumps. :smile: Your return line is more complicated than mine.

In my ceph system I currently have 3 tanks off one sump like I outlined above and have had as many as 5. I can add and remove them at will as each has its own pump.
My return isn't that complex, its just a spraybar through a bulkhead to make it octo-proof. What powerheads do you use? I was considering going that route but I was having trouble finding one with a ceramic shaft. Am I being unreasonable about that--ie, is a little metal here and there OK?
Geerg! I meant overflow, not return! I know its just a tee... :smile:

I am a big fan of the Maxi Jets. The will pump up 4 or 5 feet and they work forever. I think you are being unreasonable (your word!) about the titanium or ss shaft in most powerheads. Billions of reefers use them all the time. A little of the right metal is ok. :smile:
Hey, I'm very proud of my overflow! The box is completely external, yet is completely octo-proof, redundant, and doesn't rely on siphons!

I'm paranoid since I caught the #316 stainless screws in my Mag Drive corroding in the tank. If I can get away without it, I will, even if I'm being a bit reactionary :)
I have two extra tanks connected to my tank...And I used BOTH Dan and Richard's methods..

One powered by a maxijet...and the other powered by an overflow..

So hah! hehehee
DHyslop said:
Hey, I'm very proud of my overflow! The box is completely external, yet is completely octo-proof, redundant, and doesn't rely on siphons!

I'm paranoid since I caught the #316 stainless screws in my Mag Drive corroding in the tank. If I can get away without it, I will, even if I'm being a bit reactionary :)

Don't get me wrong! I love your overflow! There are also those 'aquasystems' tanks that have a 'sump' built into the back of the tank. It took up room in the tank, but it was great if you had a limited footprint.I thought it would be pretty easy to octoproof. There are nanos like that now.

I have had the same happen with mag drives, but I have never seen a degraded power-head impeller shaft.
Paradox said:
I have two extra tanks connected to my tank...And I used BOTH Dan and Richard's methods..

One powered by a maxijet...and the other powered by an overflow..

So hah! hehehee


I just realized I have done both too! I had an overflow overflow into another tank and so on in a cascade.


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