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Coming to cable

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Dec 16, 2002
In the Foxtel cable TV guide (Australia) for July: "The Future is Wild" on Discovery starting July 1 "you'll see three-metre long land octopuses..." :shock:

You are going to love that show...we argued over the land squids for a longggggg time! :) By the way, the magazine arrived... great work! I loaned it to a friend of mine who owns an aquarium store, and it is a BIG hit with the employees and customers!
Greg, are you referring to KRin's Squid Gazette? I just received it today and I'm going to read it cover to cover. So far, the Clyde Roper interview is as far as I've gotten, and the scariest bit of that is not about mating, or even persistence searching for Architeuthis but having tasted the ammoniac animal. :yuck:

Krin, it's terrific. You've made me want to give up my recent work and become a "squid fondler!"

I agree...eating an archi might not be on the top of my list either!!! Even worse than jellyfish! :)
Hey, you could have arch rings at your B-day party!!!! Yaay!!
The three-metre long octos are called the "Swampus", and they actually only have four arms, the others having been reduced to stubs. You think that's weird? Check out the Squibbons, Rainbow Squid, and Megasquid.

There is also a discussion of sorts on this topic in the "Fossils and History" section... Its called "Malacology: H.G. Wells Style". It was a thread I started some time ago to ask about what direction cephalopod evolution was taking.

Sushi and Sake,

Melissa said:
Greg, are you referring to KRin's Squid Gazette? I just received it today and I'm going to read it cover to cover. So far, the Clyde Roper interview is as far as I've gotten, and the scariest bit of that is not about mating, or even persistence searching for Architeuthis but having tasted the ammoniac animal. :yuck:

Krin, it's terrific. You've made me want to give up my recent work and become a "squid fondler!"


Thank you for the kind words. Always been a bit of an information junkie.

You must understand that drinkwas involved while watching the Dr Steve O'Shea squid foldling video! We were drinking, not the squids or the good doctor himself.

I am currently working on issue two of the Squid Gazette.

Re: Coming to cable

krin said:
In the Foxtel cable TV guide (Australia) for July: "The Future is Wild" on Discovery starting July 1 "you'll see three-metre long land octopuses..." :shock:


TONMO member GeoffC gave me the book of 'The Future Is Wild' for my birthday a month ago. Now I can finally see what you have all been going on about! It looks a very impressive series, a pity that I will almost certainly never get to see it as no TV station has shown it over here. Looks like I'm missing a treat.

I still think that rats would take over the world once man is removed from the scene, not squid, but there you go. That's a lot less fun!
Phil, I just went to the website to see if I could find a vhs copy of the show, and they don't seem to be selling them (which is odd)...it does air from time to time here (unfortunately, two weeks ago last) and the next time it is on, I will tape it for you and send it over the pond...it really is worth seeing!
cthulhu77 said:
Phil, the next time it is on, I will tape it for you and send it over the pond...it really is worth seeing!


You would be a total star and I'd thank you very much. My video plays NTSC format vids so that would not be a problem, as we in the UK have PAL format. No idea what the difference is, though!

Cheers again, I'd love to see it!

Hmmm...the tech stuff I don't know about...I thought all VHS was the same...do you know??? I have a computer-wonk friend of mine who would...I'll ask him.
I checked the tv listings for this next week, and it isn't on...but I will let you know as soon as it is!
krin said:
You must understand that drinkwas involved while watching the Dr Steve O'Shea squid foldling video! We were drinking, not the squids or the good doctor himself.

what a shame...now that wouldve been infotainment! im sorry, but i just feel compelled to say "squid fondling" thats a great term...:)

:cthulhu: :heart: :beer:
Re: Coming to cable

Phil said:
I still think that rats would take over the world once man is removed from the scene, not squid, but there you go. That's a lot less fun!

Funny you should mention that, Phil... Dougal Dixon's After Man: A Zoology of the Future deals with a world 13 million years after us, and the predatory rats, now called Phalanxes rule the carnivore scene.

"The Future is Wild" makes an interesting argument for the end of Vertebrate dominion. Given the structure of the world 300 million years from now, such lifeforms are possible... Even the Megasquid, funny enough... I asked a physiologist friend of mine and it is theoretically possible, but... Ah, never mind. I say that, given 300 million years anything is possible, but think about this: These creatures, squibbon amd their kin, by their definition are not cephalopods but are something completely derived. It is akin to why we don't call a human a tree shrew.

Given a few million years from now, even humanity won't be "human" anymore...

Sushi and Sake,


Heads up, fellow bio-futurists!!

Starting July 8, "The Future is Wild" will be shown on Animal Planet as a new weekly series featuring all new weirdies from the far future! All hail the molluscan overlords! Who'll be making pearls NOW?!?!?

Sushi and Sake, but hold the Tako-Yaki

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