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Colossal Squid workshop

Yes, another 'please' vote here too. NZ is a little too far to come for me to see it in the mantle.
Doop de doo, readin' the updated Colossal squid fact sheet the international press is gonna read, doop de doo...

and, most inappropriately, length relative to a London double-decker bus.

Werra interestin' new information, too.
The 'reveal' of the colossal squid will take place on Wednesday 30th April from 9am New Zealand time (I think that's 5.00 pm Tuesday 29th Eastern USA time). We are working on setting up a webcast (this is yet to be confirmed, but may be available from Monday-Tuesday 28th/29th when we will thaw and examine a couple of Architeuthis). . . We also hope to have podcasts of the lectures by Kat Bolstad, Dr Steve O'Shea and Dr Kubodera later in the week.
Updates will be available on the Te Papa website - a blog of our activities should be available starting next Monday. Technology willing. http://www.tepapa.govt.nz/TePapa/En...as/NaturalEnvironment/Molluscs/ColossalSquid/

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