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Possible contender for (one of the) largest A. dux, so far; do we need to reconsider maximum ML?

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Colossal Squid
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Moderator (Staff)
Oct 19, 2003
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I just recently came across this paper from 2018, in which the upper limit of estimated ML of a specimen exceeds 3 meters. The hitherto accepted maximum is around 2.25 meters (CO Kat and Steve), so there's a chance of that figure having to be reconsidered. The photographs do suggest great size, but that is of course fairly hard to judge, without a usable reference, outside of the right fisherman's hand and the gaffs both men are holding. The most likely ML to come out of this paper would still fall short of 2.25, to be honest, but I think a little sensationalism doesn't hurt to draw people in ;)

I'm not sure whether this was posted on our beloved forum, earlier, but if so, my bad.

@Tintenfisch , what's your take, Kat?

Thanks for posting this, @OB, I had seen reference to this on social media, but the link was down and I was unable to find it after a quick search, and moved on, figuring it might be old news or something. In any case, based on the pic and general water dyanmics in open water, that is a BIG SQUID
About squids larger then 2.25 meters (ML):



"Преобладают особи обоего пола с мантийной длиной 120–200 см. Максимально зарегистрированная длина мантии 260 см, вес 250 кг. Общая длина – 1180 см."

Google translation: Individuals predominate of both sexes with a mantle length of 120–200 cm. The maximum recorded length mantle 260 cm, weight 250 kg. The total length is 1180 cm.

"Длина мантии кальмаров колебалась от 47 до 260 см. Самки повсеместно были крупнее самцов (табл. 2). Преобладали особи, длина мантии которых колебалась в пределах 80–200 см (79,7%). Вне границ указанных пределов длины они представлены близкими соотношениями, соответственно 10,1 и 10,2%. Минимальная длина мантии измеренного архитейтиса 47 см, крайне редко обнаруживались особи 54–60 см. Максимальная длина мантии самки 260 см."

Google translation: the length of the mantle of squid ranged from 47 to 260 cm. Females were larger everywhere males (Table 2). Prevailing were individuals whose mantle length ranged from 80 to 200
cm (79.7%). Outside the specified length limits, they are represented by close ratios, respectively, 10.1 and 10.2%. The minimum length of the mantle of measured architis is 47 cm, extremely rare
individuals of 54–60 cm were found. The maximum length of the female mantle is 260 cm.


And a recent record ( although it is an estimate) made by Kubodera:

"The body size of this individual was estimated using the published regression equation (mantle length (ML) versus tentacular club length (TCL) based on 7 individuals of the giant squid (ML: 1200-2200 mm, r = 0.942)) by Kubodera and Mori [20] as follow: Y = 2.393X - 107.956 where Y is the mantle length (mm); X is the tentacular club length (mm). Given the known size of the e-jelly (10 cm diameter), and
the length of the bar (1 m), of the camera system (Figure 2), the thickness of the united shaft of tentacles on the camera scene was close to the size of the e-jelly (Figure 3c). Furthermore, the
tentacular club length (TCL), was estimated approximately 1.0 –1.2 m (Figure 3a-b), suggesting that the ML of this giant squid is between 2.3 and 2.8 m. The estimate of the body size of this large
individual could be one of the exceptionally large giant squid hitherto scientifically reported."

Finally, this page has photos of some specimens that looks huge (I don't know if the page is safe, so I'll put the images here): ГИГАНТСКИЙ КАЛЬМАР (Architeuthis) - ОБЪЕКТ ПИТАНИЯ КАШАЛОТА
monster squids.png

Warning: English is not my first language.

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