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Staff member
May 30, 2000
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Looking for the link to Chat? Here it is, in a sticky post...

Online Chat -- tonmo edit: link disabled as we wait for tonmo to bring chat back online...

TONMO.com will hold a weekly Chat event on the first Wednesday of every month. The next chat will be on Wednesday, Jan. 7th, at 9pm Eastern. Hope you can mke it!
That was a fun one last night... see you next month!

PS -- if anyone wants to schedule another chat, the Community Calendar is open to all members... Just add it, and if at all possible I'll give it proper promotion.

definitely not a bad crowd...i think the high water mark hit 11 or 12.....

:talker: :talker: :talker:
Reminder: Feb. Chat event coming up this Wednesday 2/4, 9pm ET. See you there! Be ready to report on your favorite SuperBowl ad (we'll all be watching for a ceph reference, right??). :D
I'll be there, classing up the joint as usual. I'll probably enter the chat by 8:30, since I have pathetically little else to do on Wednesday night.
hehe... nothing sparks up a conversation like you all!!!
If i can i'll try and get on earlier in the day... 9pm ET is 3AM for me but I'll drop by to see if anyone's about!

Either that or keep chatting until 1Am and that's when i'll be getting up!

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