cephaikus | Page 5 | The Octopus News Magazine Online


Might I add, dispensing with rhyme, she's the nicest person to ever pass through time.

I wouldn't touch a hair on her head
tonmo said:
But what about the cat?

I found my marble
In the kitty litter box
Whilst I was digging

Excavating away
Note, not a peep out of Kat
Such tranquility

Left all alone here
Cephalopod companion
Has vanished today

Oh where oh where has
My pussycat gone, oh where
Oh where can she be

yet another time?
picky about signatures?
or to pass the time?

neil diamond. umm, no
certainly not horrible
but no number one :smile:
WhiteKiboko said:
trouble down under
does this bode well for a job?
hey steve, i work cheap... :smile:

.... no trouble anymore ....

Wanted, recruiting
Employment opportunity
Cheap? I'm talking free
Tony in P.A.
had a quite fishy notion
and begot TONMO

one thousand octos
at four thousand typewriters
shakespeare in a day
Clem said:
False modesty dulls
Taningia dares not say
Penis of the Sea

Clem enlightens us
but -- pardon the phallic pun --
misses the whole point

for Sea Cucumber,
vile slug, ejects its innards
in gross self-defense

distracts predators
gives new meaning to the phrase
"puking one's guts out"

Pearl Fish knows its place
takes permanent residence
in SC's rectum

feasts on its gonads
which later regenerate --
weird symbiosis

such relationship
can only make one wonder
who's got a worse job?

Clem said:
C'thullu decides to
Change his name to C'Saatchi
To woo Nigella

Who is C'Saatchi?
What is Nigella, besides
black sesame seeds?

Clem said:
Tanks hiss and gurgle
Cats flee when Steve discovers:
Thongs make good slingshots.

Has Steve gone feral?
Since when does he mess with thongs?
Ban him from Rio!

Alas, some dark force
has switched his Neil Diamond discs
for Sisqo's "Thong Song"!

Warn all Kiwi blokes
to lock up wives and daughters
and good-looking sheep

O'Shea's back in town
and if he should misbehave
Jacuzzi awaits

so I'll re-submerge
rather than risk all to face
the Wrath of Squid-Man

:oshea: :heart: :meso:
Squid man gonna compose himself this evening, sit at home and have a drop of vino and write a haiku just for you, Tani. :smile:

The rain churns up grubs
I hear a scratching, smell skunk
Below my window

Nigella Lawson
Cook, Strumpet and English Rose
Beyond a squid's reach

Charles Saatchi her
Undeserving mate, ad-man
And Thatcher-booster

"Penis of the Sea"
Say Mediterranean
Salts of the sea-cuke

Don we now our squid
Apparel, a thread on threads
You go and find it


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