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can I add something else now?

I took a look at the white stuff and I really cant tell if it came form the snails or not, so i took them out. Unfortuanatly I have to keep them in their bag until tomarow. Im kinda sad though :cry: i really wanted to add something else to my tank and i kinda liked those little snails. Is there anything else safe for me to add? Maybe a scallop or some kind of coral or something :?: :!: .

thanks in advanced.
ok cool, because ever since i first got my tank i have wanted a beautiful piece of coral or something like that in it (i think everyone has). Can someone give me some advice as to which one i should get?
Yeah i suppose so, but i would like to have a general idea before I go there. Simply because I dont and wouldnt know how to feed and/or take care of a sessil invert.
Alright thanks. I checked out that site and it says "Thrives with additions of Calcium, iodine and trace elements." what exactly does this mean? Is this just some pills or somehting i put in the water? And if so is that all i need to take care of them?

thanks in advanced :)
Rockthis11 said:
Alright thanks. I checked out that site and it says "Thrives with additions of Calcium, iodine and trace elements." what exactly does this mean? Is this just some pills or somehting i put in the water? And if so is that all i need to take care of them?

thanks in advanced :)
thrives is used as a term for many thing's, e.g. my turtle thrives on shrimp, it get's more matured,bigger, and so forth, with the nurishment.
it might be a pill and it might not, ask you LFS and check it out, i think if you just maintain em and keep em healthy they'll be allright. :D
I would say that as far as coral goes, you need to get something that is a low to moderate light coral to survive the lighting requirements for an octo tank. Also, if your local LFS sells this sort of thing, start with a small, inexpensive piece of whatever you like, try it out for a week or two, and see how it does. That way, if it does not like your tank and dies, you will not have wasted much cash. My LFS will give me free small frags and bits to try out. Mushroom polyps seem to be pretty easy.

BTW, will a Featherduster be okay in an octo tank?

shannen i reckon a feather duster would be okay, but you should know that it might be trouble if he/she start's decomposing in the tank with the octo, although he/she will not die because they decompose only about 4/5 of their body and re-grow and regenerate the 1/5 of their body, they will soon-after be in the process of growing new feather's, but you should not leave the feather duster in the tank after spawning, no matter, feather dusters will shoot out their feathers in order to avoid eating their future offspring, in general you can keep a feather duster because i've seen it but you really just need to be careful lol.

put the snails back in, they are doing fine.. they are simply eating the algae off of the rocks, i can see that from the pictures you posted, nothing is wrong there at all.

Corals are not such a good addition to a ceph tank, they need bright light which the cephs dont like and the excess waste from an octo will probably be too much for them to handle. ALSO an octopus is likely to dig and bury corals or turn them upside down etc.

Feather dusters are prone to being buried and moved too, i have tried them also.

O.vulgaris, do you have any pics of your octopus? I am really keen to see a pic of it snapping a snail in half with its beak!? :bugout: What was all that rubbish about feather dusters spawning, decomposing and feathers etc??? LOL :lol:
Hi all,

I can certainly second what Colin says given my current experience with a full grown bimac. He has rearranged, moved and turned over about every rock in the tank. He continually disrupts, moves and tosses large quantities of sand. He breaks off things trying to grow by just galloping over them. So I can't really have anything but him in the tank. (I also have a pencil urchin, who seems much by Ollie's activities, and a few snails.)

Now, maybe not all bimacs are quite as active as Ollie, but I really can't count on keeping much of anything else in the tank. On the other hand, one octopus is quite entertaining enough.

One of the best things I did was to set up a small (19 gallon) tank to house my cleaner shrimp (to save him from being a meal for Ollie). In this smaller aquarium I've been able to have all those interesting things that I can't have in the large aquarium. Otherwise, I think I might be frustrated!

colin will get pic's some time soon, rubish, i was giving positive feedback on feather dusters.LOL :P
nancy, i have to say, it sound's as if you have a little spoiled hyperactive brat in your tank, just kidding,hehe. :roll:

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