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Brand New Chat!


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
Hey gang! We have a flashy new chat feature, and this time it's integrated -- i.e., you login with your TONMO.com username and password.

And just in time for the first Wednesday of the mon... um... I mean... check it out! :smile:

Mine said that the "plugin had performed an illegal opperation", and I was "strongly advised to contact the administrator"

but it worked regardless. :)
Ok, try again -- was not configured correctly for Special Contributors or Supporters. It's now fixed.

If you're getting illegal operations, I'm thinking you need an updated version of Flash? Let me know if you're getting any more error messages, and what they say. Thanks -
Thanks Tony !!!! Works like a charm now...hey, what day and time...sbt, sbc ???? (that would be tomorrow night, right?)
Cool. I'll put up a better link, and hopefully will be able to pull out "who's chatting now" somewhere on the homepage or something.

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