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Blinky just shot white stuff into the water...?

Oct 13, 2005
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I was moving stuff around in my octo tank, and Blinky, my bimac, came out to investigate my arm. She hasn't been coming out lately, and is very reclusive. I am diagnosing senecense. Well, she started getting rough, and pulling me into the tank, so I kind of flicked my hand, and she crawled away and shot a cloud of white stuff at me. This is the second time she's done that, both times when I was in the tank. What is this stuff? Is it possible that it's not a she and that it's...sperm?
i know that squid when the have a bowel movement its white i dont know much about about octopus but they have some similar characteristics ( i think i spelled that wrong) so that might be what it is
But I have also seen the white that you talk about and I know for a fact they were females. I'm wondering if it's a type of waste? Spike does the red and the white.
Colour of the faeces will depend a bit on food. If the octopus is feeding on live crustaceans then the waste will be reddish pink, if feeding on bivalves and/or frozen shrimps then the waste may well be white. The pigment comes from the prey.

Are the shrimp white or pink? often freezing destroys the pigment. The white could also be other forms of waste, such as urea or uric acid which can be white I believe.


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