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Best buds

Jan 4, 2006
I never would have imagined this if I haven't been seeing it and finally got it on film. My bandensis and spotted goby sleeping together.

I thought it was only a matter of time before Bill (S.Bandensis) ate Pete(spotted goby) for lunch, but they have been sleeping closer and closer together and tonight they are actually touching each other. I figured that if Bill saw Pete in a compromising position or was hungry it was all over. Pete is slow moving and climbs over everyone and everything looking for pods, I have even seen him examine Bill thinging he was a rock. Bill hasn't done a thing and seems to like Pete's company. This wasn't a "swim by" thing either, they have been together this close for the past 4 hours, normally they are 1-2 inches apart, but they have been getting closer lately.


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That is phenomenal!

Most of the time during the day my two cuttles put on their aggression colors when they get too near eachother, but at night I often find them "cuddling" in nearly the exact same way as you've pictured. Once the one on top was using his lower walking-arms to give the other what appeared to be a backrub.

There's no understanding these critters :)
Im not suprised that they are getting along, but I would still guess that once the cuttle was much larger he would eat the goby...

I found that bandensis are actually very tolerable of tankmates that are larger then them.
Interesting, I wonder if the cuttle is seeing the pattern which outlines how toxic the mandarin is, or whether it has 'tasted' it and learned for itself?

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