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back in the running for an octo


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
It's been a while since I posted here (even read to be honest)

but that's what you get when you're keeping fish for a while.

anyway. I started up a new tank for an octo a week ago.

it's a hexagonal tank of some 250 liters.
it's equiped with a sump and large venturi protein skimmer.
I'm also gonna install an extra canister filter filled with carbon for supplementary filtration and water movement.

the tank is filled with some pieces of spaghetti rock, live rock and some caulerpa. at the moment it houses some shrimps and small fish to keep the filter running.

I have to make an octo-proof lid and then it's ready to house a new 8-legged friend.

I'll post some pics later this week.

a pic of the tank so far. of course it still needs a lid. as an extra anti-escape measure, I'm putting a piece of filtrationfoam on the top opening. experience in antwerp zoo has shown an octos suckers have no grip on it
bliep bliep bliep bliep (insert swear words here)

tank is running and octo proofed, and what happens next?

the (insert another swearword) thing starts to leak!!!!

drain the lot, clean the leaky side, silicon it back together, let it dry.

tomorrow fill her up again and pray it's good now.
dragonfish;93689 said:
bliep bliep bliep bliep (insert swear words here)

tank is running and octo proofed, and what happens next?

the (insert another swearword) thing starts to leak!!!!

drain the lot, clean the leaky side, silicon it back together, let it dry.

tomorrow fill her up again and pray it's good now.

Just be grateful the octopus wasn't in it yet...
dragonfish;93689 said:
bliep bliep bliep bliep (insert swear words here)

tank is running and octo proofed, and what happens next?

the (insert another swearword) thing starts to leak!!!!

drain the lot, clean the leaky side, silicon it back together, let it dry.

tomorrow fill her up again and pray it's good now.

You have my sympathies, just after it was installed our 5500 L (5000L with rocks!) leaked, we ended up with some 2500L on the floor, the day the Boss was heading to Canada!!! Major mop up, I think we hired every dehumidifier in the city to dry out the carpet! But at least we had 10 or so people to work on the clean up!!!!

My girlfriend and I went coral shopping for her hex tank right after Christmas, and when we got home, I heard a sound... I saw a stream... her hex tank had sprung a leak, about 6 inches from the bottom.

It was a pain in the butt. Moved everything into 5 gallon buckets, seahorses and all. Lost 2 of the 3 new corals while we were waiting for the new silcone seal to cure, and her Jawfish committed suicide in the middle of the night by jumping out of the bucket onto the floor.

I too feel your pain.
of course, it could have been worse.

at the moment there were only 2 fish and a sea urchin in it.
those are quite easily relocated. could have been more difficult with an octo.

either way. tank has been fixed,dried and refilled. so far so good. but I am going to wait a little while before getting the octo.

better to be safe than sorry.
thx to all for the sympathy replies

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