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[Featured]: Architeuthis (Giant Squid) Sightings

I always feel bad to see that fishermen in general just gaff such specimens to bits. Sizeable A. dux in the Brazilian vid, and indeed, chromophores appear totally contracted in the Phillipine specimen; reminds me a bit of Ku's first underwater shots, no striking crimson there, either, more a kind of mother of pearl sheen.
I always feel bad to see that fishermen in general just gaff such specimens to bits.
Agree, I imagine it comes with the trade -- it's shocking to most people but to them, it's a natural part of the trade, and I imagine they are desensitized to it all.

In any case, it's all a ubiquitous reminder, they're out there! There's also a bit of a revolt on Twitter discussing the maximum possible size of these beasties; interesting thread here discussing the earlier :oshea: papers, etc. on the matter:

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