Ok well I feel a little dumb now, I had just figured that the usual clean up crue would be food, but that does make sence, thank you so much Nancy, and thank you for your care articles as well, I have kept 2 octo's before, though its been awile, but at the time care information was slim, I had no clue what species I had, and I kept them in a via aqua 10 gallon, (not at the same time), the first only lasted about 2 months, the 2nd I did keep well for about 8 months. This time I will be ordering from octopets, and I have just set the tank up, I am running a biomatrix protien skimmer bio filter combo, and a wet/dry filter, with 20lbs of live rock and a pair of damsels to keep the bio load up, but being that this is a 30 gallon, and not a ten with very little live rock, algae control was a concern of mine. also I would like to now what the best food would be for my baby bimac at the size that I would be getting from octopets? of cource after the tank is very well cycled and stabalized. thank you again