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#2 (Tuvalu)

Sep 8, 2006
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I am currently acclimating my new 8 armed friend into his very own 75 gallon. At the moment it is in a critter keeper, inside a 5 gallon bucket, with the drip line running. I received it via saltwaterfish.com this morning.

I'm thinking it is O. Filosus

Its mantle is about the size of an average strawberry, legs are several inches long (3-5 depending on activity)

Digital camera is fried so no pics today :(

Did I mention I love my girlfriend? This is a gift from her.
sorseress;98986 said:
Very nice, and Welcome to the new baby. (By the way, I hope that's not the only reason you love your girlfriend!):wink2:

No, it's not the only reason, but it definitely seals the deal if you know what I mean. :grin:

I guess a better interpretation of its mantle size would be a large pecan.

It was a textured spikey brown when I pulled the bag out of the cooler. Now that it's settled down it is a mottled brown, legs are white. Suckers have orange/red rims.
Coolio. I plan on getting my octopus from saltwaterfish.com too. I want to have it on Friday. I am just going to look around a little bit at other online stores before I make my final decision. Good to know they are small, I was worried I would get one that was near the end of it's life. Good luck with him.

I spent two and a half hours acclimating it in the keeper. I let it into the bucket and after a few minutes it started to climb out so I put my finger in front of it. Then it turned black and started coming at my finger with a determined stride. I lured it back into the critter keeper and set it into the tank with the lid shut so I could observe.

There is a definite false eye-spot. I would say it was a Bimac if it wasn't from the Caribbean. It ranges from olive green with orangeish spots to white with brown blotches, smooth to spikey. I couldn't have gotten luckier as far as the personality goes. 4 hours in the tank and still climbing around on the glass.... and she took 2 thawed silversides from my fingers.
Welcome to #2 (Is that really her name? :smile:) - a very thoughtful present from your girlfriend!

I'll add her (your octopus!) to the List of Our Octopuses!

Glad you're in the octo keeping business again! We expect lots of good photos when the camera is working again.

In spite of Sorceress' comments, I think getting you this little guy is reason enough to love your girlfriend!

I am very glad some of us are getting new critters so that I can enjoy them vicariously(new camera soon:fingerscrossed:). My 5 little guys are still going strong and still living in their breeder nets attached inside the main tank. I am, of course, extremely happy that they are doing so well but I had expected to try a larger octopus after Trapper died. The set up is working out too well to disrupt it and I don't have another tank (or room for adding one) appropriate for a bigger, daytime critter. We did add a Burr fish (Raymond) to our 140 gallon seahorse tank (only one horse now in residence) and a couple of delightful jaw fish to our refurbished 25 gallon nano so I have more than enough new socializing to do but there is that nagging desire to try a more interactive octopus. Keep the cards and letters (and pics) coming!
#2 is just temporary. I'm letting Alayna give her a real name. Pretty sure it's a "her".

I had a few exposures left on a plastic camera and used them up last night. As soon as I get them developed I'll be posting them.

We watched her wander about the tank until 11 o'clock last night, and as soon as I turned the light out, she got off the glass and disappeared into the rockwork.
Alayna made a great suggestion for a name.

She came on Tuesday. She's octopus number two for me. Soooo... Tuvalu, which means "8 standing together".

Thank you Sorseress. Meeee toooo! I've already spent more time interacting with her than I did with Einy in 4 months.
Yes, much as I try to avoid that word as a description of an octopus, I have to admit she's really cute!

I got lost in your explanation of her name (although I've already entered in on the List of Our Octopuses) - how does Tuvalu mean "8 standing together"? Is this some language I don't know?

Nancy;99071 said:
Yes, much as I try to avoid that word as a description of an octopus, I have to admit she's really cute!

I got lost in your explanation of her name (although I've already entered in on the List of Our Octopuses) - how does Tuvalu mean "8 standing together"? Is this some language I don't know?


I'm sorry, I left that detail out. Tuvalu is Polynesian.
"OPINION 2147 (Case 3263)

Octopus hummelincki Adam, 1936 (Mollusca, Cephalopoda): specific name conserved

Abstract. The Commission has ruled that the specific name Octopus hummelincki Adam, 1936 is conserved for a common small ocellate octopus from the Caribbean and western Atlantic. The older name O. filosus Howell, 1868 was long regarded as a synonym of O. vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, but more recently has been synonymized with O. hummelincki (rather than O. vulgaris) The name O. filosus has had very little usage and its name has been suppressed."

from http://www.iczn.org/BZNJune2006opinions.html

Just thought I'd share.

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