why are you here, exactly
E-R, I actually admire the fact that you're not one of the occasional people who create an account, post something inflamatory or annoying, and then are never heard from again. However, from all of your posts, I don't understand why you're interested in TONMO. This is a forum for discussing cephalopod related things, for the most part. Certainly, sometimes discussions stray somewhat, but it's a forum with that specific purpose. If you want a place to express your political opinions, I'd suggest you look for a forum of some sort that's well-suited to that, or, maybe even better, start a blog and use the comments section as the forum to discuss your views. So far, your posts have not shown any interest in cephalopods at all, except to dismiss them is irrelevant to society and culture.
In your initial post, you said
Hello, I am, like my name suggests, an evil republican (the guys that disagree with you guys all the time and are brainwashed into liking big coorperations). Just wanted to say hi and that, providing I'm not banned for clearly not breaking any rules, you will see a lot of me playing devils advocate to what I feel I must educate you about. See you on the forums!
In addition to having nothing to do with cephalopods, this post is a truly bizarre juxtaposition of self-effacement and arrogance. You feel compelled to educate us? you have some weird notion of what "we" think about "evil republicans"? You have invented some idea of what we think and you have taken it as a crusade to change that?
Even if it were appropriate to participate here from a purely political perspective (it's not), you come across as having judged everyone reading this as having foolishly reached conclusions that are different from yours... that doesn't establish you as credible, it establishes you as naive and opinionated.