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What happened to Colin????


TONMO Supporter
Nov 14, 2002
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Hi all

Ive gone and bought a new house this week. Basically it's why I havn't been about too much as we had a fair few things to do to our current place and travelling about to see houses always takes a lot of time, especially with the wee one.

Anyway, got ourselves a 3 bedroom, detached bungalow which comes with over 100 square meters of private walled gardens,a big garage and a big workshop (ceph room) to play in!!! Got a site picked out in the lounge already for a nice big tank!

So, I am going to have a fairly hectic couple of months and will be offline a lot. However, I leave you in the more than capable hands of Nancy for ceph care and all my other Mod & SC pals.

I can still be contacted but just wont have the same amount of time to get through all threads.

I'll be back soon. and once i get my system up and running it'll be time for some cephalopod keeping again...

Best of luck in your new habitat...... :beer:

Dont let the midden accumulate too much.... :grin:
Indeedy, bestest of luck.

I've just cleared the garage out in order to go full-on ceph-keeping at home. Am doing so in order to be in complete control of everything that's going on (which is not the case at present - too many dirty hands, casual observers, tamperers and problems with flow).
Good news, although you could have sent some pics !!!! :smile:
Introducing my self

Hello Everyone, My name is Art and I would like to introduce myself.

I have never owned an octopus, never known much about them, but I know I want to get one, any ideas were I can get one in Tucson Az? or
Even if I have to order one, and recomendations?? Any kind of information will be greatly appreciated, Thank You. :confused:
:welcome: We have 2 suppliers, if you check the recent posts, Octopets and Fish Supply but I believe their babies are not ready to be shipped yet. Please read up under our ceph care forum! Do you have a tank yet?

And welcome and enjoy!!!


I've seen a lot of reef people online who plumb PVC through the floor for a common water system with giant 75 gallon refugiums and sumps in their basement. Have you thought about doing something like this in the new house for a big cuttle tank?

Gidday there Art. You must have done something rather bizarre - you'll notice that your post has been buried in Colin's thread. Bit of a hoot really. Welcome indeed. I just checked out your profile - are you really a 'bounty hunter'? Way cool if so - I don't think that we have any other bounty hunters online!! I keep thinking about that marvelous movie 'Midnight Run', one of my all-time favourites.

I don't think that there's anyone online that will have a record, or is being tracked down .... except maybe the Right Honourable Regal Footed Sir Dr Ummmm....., who refuses to post a picture of himself online, is secretly a female (or male in drag), so ?he obviously must have something to hide.

Steve O'Shea said:
Gidday there Art. You must have done something rather bizarre - you'll notice that your post has been buried in Colin's thread. Bit of a hoot really. Welcome indeed. I just checked out your profile - are you really a 'bounty hunter'? Way cool if so - I don't think that we have any other bounty hunters online!! I keep thinking about that marvelous movie 'Midnight Run', one of my all-time favourites.

I don't think that there's anyone online that will have a record, or is being tracked down .... except maybe the Right Honourable Regal Footed Sir Dr Ummmm....., who refuses to post a picture of himself online, is secretly a female (or male in drag), so ?he obviously must have something to hide.


:shock: You are seriously freaking me out now. :shock:
Thanks all for the best wishes!

Dhyslop, I'll be doing something like that in my workshop area but my display tank will be in the house and on a closed system... it wont be cephs in the house though, they'll be outside. A reef will be going in the house :)

Steve, nice 1. I reckon i have space for about 20 4 foot tanks and several other bits and bobs if i plan it right. It'll just take time :)
Best of luck in the new house, Colin. I hope everything works out for you and your family there.

How about a photo?
The new house sounds enormous! Erin will enjoy that. I don't envy you moving all the critters. Will all the fragile or dangerous ones move into the workshop?

Welcome, Art!

Steve, we want to see pics of what you set up at home, too.

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