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Tonmocon I

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Just look for a time when Neil will be in concert...I am sure the good doctor would make time to visit the states!!!!!
Hey lot, its been a long time since I stopped bye, but a new addition to the family came along and my studies got in the way as well. Its been so long since we all spoke of tonmo-con but I hope to change that. A bit less than halfway into the summer break, we should definetly start making finalized plans, and get things moving!
Any help I can offer to you mel or tony, please pm me.

Best Regards,
-Dave :smile:
Wow, its been a long time since I came to these forums. Well with the site and all. I decided the ncaa wasn't for me after all. I changed my career path's and went into medicine. Anyhow, I still will do this all as a hobby; so when's the event?!? :smile:
While I was away, there was some talk with an aquarium in Florida, and I'll pick up on this. August in the US is a notoriously bad time to plan anything, while everyone is on vacation, so I'll send a note but not expect any response right away. Any news will of course be posted here.

Sorry I was away for so long, but AT LEAST I finished my Ph.D dissertion already!!! Med school is over, (I changed majors at the last minute, ask steveO)
So to getting back to posting after like...a few months, :lol: when we going to schedule this for?
I now can dedicate time to this, helping with setting it up, medical services, transportation, food, etc. Just pm me. :smile:
also, want to say hello to steve and tony, mel, and um. Long time no see guys, but I was so busy you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Also, alot of changes since I last was here. um.. is a special contributor, rats I wanted to be one! :heee:
The site looks wonderful tony, I expect this to become the most popular ceph site online, or is it already?
Tony, whats the link for the statistics of the board? I seem to have forgotten it. send it by way of pm please. thank you so much. :smile:
Best Regards
Congrats on finishing the paper...ton of work!!! There is some talk of having it in the summer of 2005, along with a few other gatherings...Melissa is queen bee on this one though, so we shall see what is up once she gets back from her whirlwind tour of the far east!
Glad you are back!

ps...great avatar...funny bit !
cthulhu77 said:
There is some talk of having it in the summer of 2005, along with a few other gatherings...

Hi Greg --

Next summer already? Fanfreakintastic! Except, if we're taking a vote on TONMOcon times when Mel gets back, may I humbly suggest anytime except 17-19 June or 19-21 August? (AnimeNext and Otakon, respectively, both of which I'm already registered for.)

Psyched to see everyone,
We'll see how this goes. We're still looking for a venue. This is a dratted week for trying to get in touch with anyone, so I'll wait until I'm back in NYC before getting updates on where we stand. You will be the first to know!

Melissa said:
We'll see how this goes. We're still looking for a venue. This is a dratted week for trying to get in touch with anyone, so I'll wait until I'm back in NYC before getting updates on where we stand. You will be the first to know!


Sa-wa-dee-ka Melissa,

How was your Christmas in the Land of the Royal White Elephant? It was great to see that you found time in your hectic schedule to keep up with TONMO posts! If you get a chance again, let us know how you're doing over there. Have a beautiful New Year, and let's see what we can do about arranging a Big Apple Cephalofan Dinner -- Clem, are ya listening? -- when you return next month.

Many-armed hugs from your benthic bud,
TaningiaDanae said:
Have a beautiful New Year, and let's see what we can do about arranging a Big Apple Cephalofan Dinner -- Clem, are ya listening? -- when you return next month.

Will there be hippies?:wink:

I had a lovely xmas dinner, all about food rather than presents, and then slept through the earthquake this morning. I am fine. The earthquake in Indonesia has sent tidal waves across the Indian ocean. Many fisherman in India and Sri Lanka and probably elsewhere are missing. The tourists who are missing are primarily divers.

I've just gotten a message from another person interested in TONMOcon. Let's see what venues are amenable come January.

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