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Tonmo Teeshirts

WhiteKiboko said:
What would you ask for a mug?
Burstsovenergy24 said:
tonmo I really think you should get that TONMO.com Apparel store going again. There are more people than then and I would certainly join! :) :)
Okey dokes then, here's the store, back up and in business!


Note that I have nothing to do with CafePress other than setting up a shop with them -- your transactions are entirely handled by them.

awesome, I knew my tonmo convention thread opened up your eyes to apparel heaven. :)
Im using your pic of the tonmo mug as my avatar, with your permission because I think that pic is copyrighted for cafepress so I need your permission lol , so you the founder of tonmo Tony Morelli, could I use it as my avatar(with your permission)?
If not I can understand and I will gladly remove it a.s.a.p. :)
will pm you.
o.vulgaris said:
awesome, I knew my tonmo convention thread opened up your eyes to apparel heaven. :)
So modest... :D

Sure, knock yourself out! :)
o.vulgaris said:
hehe, well what can I say. :)

Well, since you ask... :mrgreen: ... you can say, "Tony, great move bringing back your apparel shop! You must have been inspired by cephlamaniac, WhiteKiboko, and Burstsovenergy24, based on their posts here!"


tonmo said:
o.vulgaris said:
hehe, well what can I say. :)

Well, since you ask... :mrgreen: ... you can say, "Tony, great move bringing back your apparel shop! You must have been inspired by cephlamaniac, WhiteKiboko, and Burstsovenergy24, based on their posts here!"


hahaha, roflmao, hey wait you didn't include me, hehe. :P :lol:
Picked up a mug :smile:. Lets hope the handle stays on longer than my last mug.
Hummm... that reminds me. I need a new mouse pad as well. I really hate coffee stains. :oops:
As much as I love the shirts and such, I'm not a mega fan of buying stuff on the net. BUT.. if such merchandise happened to appear for sale at a potential TONMOcon I would be quite willing to purchase one. (my friends need to realize that if they're going to laugh at my obsession I will be ridiculed while being fashionable! :wink2: )

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