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The Cristening

nice pics
in the tank pic what is that large white tube in the lower right corner of the tank?
is that the outflow or the intake?
nice tank by the way
Mizu said:
nice pics
in the tank pic what is that large white tube in the lower right corner of the tank?
is that the outflow or the intake?
nice tank by the way

OH, just one of a few PVC pipes for Cthylla to hide in. That one's way too big, though. I'm going to replace it with a smaller one by next weekend. She seems to prefer something just big enough for her to fit in.

More pics of Cthylla

Here's a few more pics that I took over the weekend. I haven't had any luck getting any video because she doesn't seem to like the hood light being on while she's out, and that makes it too dark for the camera. Fortunately, the flash doesn't seem to bug her too much.




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