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Seafood watch

I got the little pocket sized booklet one of this page. Very informative booklet, but somewhat shorter than lacks the details this site has to offer.

Learned from the site:A Orange Roughy is also called Slimehead...
And was originally given the appealing name 'diarrhea fish' before they fished out all the other stocks and someone had to have a quiet word to the marketing department about the next-most-likely target species. :roll:
Tintenfisch said:
And was originally given the appealing name 'diarrhea fish' before they fished out all the other stocks and someone had to have a quiet word to the marketing department about the next-most-likely target species. :roll:

Did the name come from the fact that the fish that usualy arrives to the surface are in some mangled state or some other reason?
The name comes from the fact that when fishermen started catching this fish and eating it, it caused diarrhea. It has some kind of high fat content that our bodies don't digest. They started processing the fish differently (fileting more of the flesh and skin off) to make if more digestible. It still causes diarrhea in some people, though...:yuck:
Thanks for sharing that! Now I have one more thing to tell the waiter when I see it on a menu.

Another tasty tidbit of info to keep in mind until everything else is fished out: according to fishermen, eating coelacanth makes oil leak out your rear. Same reasons- deep water fish, high fat content.
mucktopus said:
according to fishermen, eating coelacanth makes oil leak out your rear. Same reasons- deep water fish, high fat content.

After you eat coelacanth, don't go swimming, or suffer the "Oil tanker disaster" jokes and get risked getting screamed at my enviromentals for polluting the enviroment...
I'm susrprised Patagonian Toothfish (also called Chilean Sea Bass, I think?) doesn't have the same problem - apparently it's so oily you can light it on fire, straight out of the ocean, and it will burn for a good long time. Not something I like to think about doing to a live fish though. :mad:
cuttlegirl said:
The name comes from the fact that when fishermen started catching this fish and eating it, it caused diarrhea. It has some kind of high fat content that our bodies don't digest. They started processing the fish differently (fileting more of the flesh and skin off) to make if more digestible. It still causes diarrhea in some people, though...:yuck:
Also contains toxic levels of cadmium under the skin :yuck:


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