Salt Water for New Tank (was "Ummm...quick question...") | Page 5
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Salt Water for New Tank (was "Ummm...quick question...")

Whoa, thanks Thales! I'm gonna buy that when I save up enough money! Let's see...I'm getting $60 a week, so that means I'll be able to afford that with two week's work. I've already worked for a week and got a little overtime (it feels weird sayin it like this, cause my job is actually babysitting), so right now I've got like $90. In another week, I should be able to afford that RO! Thanks Thales, you finally gave me a solution to my water problem.
hey...i have been lurking on this site and toying with the octopus idea. I thought about a cheap water solution of my own. I have had difficulty finding RO water so i remembered an experiment that i used to distill water once. You fill up a basin with (tap) water, cover it with plastic wrap, put a marble in the middle of the plastic wrap, and then place a cup in the bowl, directly underneath the marble. you then leave this in the sun or maybe boil it. The way it works it that the water gets hot, evaporates, and condenses on the plastic, then it drips down toward the marble and into the cup, leaving copper, chlorine, flouride, etc.. behind (because they dont evaporate). i tried this once with dirty sea water and turned it into pure distilled water. Again this is just another crude, cheap idea that came across my mind and would take awhile but i think that it could work. please let me know if im an idiot. thanks.
1) chlorine and many other constituents of tap water will evaporate (that's why you have to continually add it to a pool).

2) it will take you a very long time to make enough water for even a modest sized tank this way.
Yeah, I thought about that idea for a little while too, until I realized that chlorine evaporates (I thought about the pool thing).

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