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Palaeo prezzies

Apr 8, 2004
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Okay, what do you buy the woman who has everything (including me :roll: ) for her birthday ?

(please just ask if anyone is interested in taking advantage of my limitless talents to personalize their kit, though P&P may be a bit steep !)
Methinks you might want to accompany that with some jewelry or something feminine, or she might use that on you ! :lol:
You may be on to something, Spartacus. I really like the toolbox I got for xmas one year. But just to be safe, don't forget some flowers or something. When someone tried to give me extra computer memory for my birthday, I felt it necessary to say that presents should be something you wouldn't buy for yourself, maybe shiny or soft. A lame squid? Could KRin ship such in time?


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