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Octopus tattoo with sucker marks


Jul 28, 2006
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Hi, I am new here, and was delighted to fine a place where everyone enjoys cephs as much as I do. I am considering getting an octopus tattoo. One of my ideas is to have sucker marks tattooed along with the octopus. Can anyone show me what sucker marks would look like on skin? I have seen the picture of the guy with sucker marks on his face but it is not a detailed enough photo. Any ideas?
hi there! welcome to Tonmo!
I dont have any images of sucker marks, but how about tattooing suckers going down the inside of your arm as if your arms are tentacles!!
Well, from personal experience octopus sucker marks just look like a double row of small hickeys... :roll:
Squid suckers would leave a lot more damage because of the chitinous rings (often with teeth); those are the kind that leave the scars on whales.
Cool idea! Let us know how it goes. :smile:
Tintenfisch said:
Well, from personal experience octopus sucker marks just look like a double row of small hickeys... :roll:

Whooooooheeeee! Is Sir Um... going to be jealous or what?
Would the sucker-ring imprints left on whales be "squid hickeys"?

Always thought Squidhickey would be a bang-up name for a punk band.
Octopus tat's seem to be getting more and more popular...we've sure seen some nice one's here.

Thanks for the input everybody, I'll let you know when I get the tattoo. I've changed my username to Cephadelic, look for the octopus drawings I uploaded to the gallery.

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