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O. mercatoris

I've seen some of the others take swipes at the other shrimp if they get to close, so I'm sure over the next few days they will catch more.
There is a definite size difference between some of the little hatchlings, it's funny how much of difference there is between just a few days of hatching. I will try to catch one of the bigger ones for some pictures (because I can't get anything to focus on them while they're in the tank...), but that might be more bothersome then it's worth.

Out in the tank right now I see about 15-20, and usually even more come out around 1 or 2 am but I haven't been staying up that late... As of right now they are getting a cube of Hikari mysis in the morning (around 6:30-7) and another at night (between 10-2). By now the bigger ones realized the turkey baster brings the food so they aren't very shy with it any more, I even had one climb in it because he was to impatient to wait... I added about 10 ghost shrimp last Saturday, and I can only find three or four left so they are most likely getting eaten by them as well.

As of right now, the ones free in the tank are way more active (or more alive...) then the ones in the net. Of all the ones I put in the net, only one will come out every night for food. There are about 10 shells in there, and I probably only put five or six in there, so there should be plenty of room.
The eggs are all gone now, and the mother cleared her den, so I was able to get a few pictures. She didn't quite go exploring, but she did start sticking an arm or two out the ends of her tube.



A little strange that she did not come out on her own and wander the tank for a day or so. Her color looked good and I expected her to live a bit longer. Trapper was an extreme (11 weeks post hatch I think) but we have seen them expire the last day of hatching and have nor rhyme or reason for the differences with the possible exception of eating for part of the brooding period. The number of eggs may be part of the difference and I have wondered if the two may be related but have had no way to "test" my thought.

What does your mom think of the little guys?
Those pictures from the other day showed some nice color, so I thought I still had some time left, but oh well...

My mom wakes me up every morning from her coming in my room and talking about how cute and awesome they are. She was scared today because she thought a bristleworm was getting to close to one of them... :roll:
Not sure entirely. I haven't been staying up late enough to where they all come out. As of now, I'd say between 10 and 20, but probably closer to 10-15. Tonight, I should have a better count because I can stay up late to get a good count.

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