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[News]: Very Large Colossal Squid Caught

dangit, why don't they ever show the EYES in these pictures...

the .doc file at the beginning has some more info: 450kg!


Is this the same squid shown in the three photos posted here? (click) The operation performed to secure the new specimen looks like what's occurring in the third pic.

monty;88101 said:
dangit, why don't they ever show the EYES in these pictures...
Monty, I think they do show one eye! :grin:

There's been a lot of squid news of late, hasn't there!

Who knows what is around the corner.
"Dr Steve O'Shea, from the Auckland University of Technology, says the previous largest find weighed 300 kilograms.

He says if calamari were made from the squid the rings would be the size of tractor tyres."

London Doubledecker tires, surely, good Doctor!

I'm thrilled and overjoyed at this, but sorry for the squid itself, obviously. So, will we now finally find out? Large eyes but mostly internalized, looking out thorough relatively tiny slits, as the first pictures seem to suggest?
I really looking forward to any report you can provide after studying this incredible animal. Makes me want to come over to NZ today and ask if you need help!

[SIZE=-2]CBC Montreal[/SIZE]

New Zealand fishermen catch rare squid
[SIZE=-1]Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - 1 hour ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- A fishing crew has caught a colossal squid that could weigh a half-ton and prove to be the biggest specimen ever landed, ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]450kg Beastly Squid Hauled up from the Deep [SIZE=-1]Bits of News[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Biggest ever Colossal squid caught [SIZE=-1]Independent Online[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]New Zealand fishermen land massive squid [SIZE=-1]Scotsman[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]all 104 news articles[/SIZE]


New Zealand fishermen catch rare squid
[SIZE=-1]Miami Herald, FL - 19 minutes ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A fishing crew has caught a colossal squid that could weigh a half-ton and prove to be the biggest specimen ever landed, ...[/SIZE]



'Colossal' 990lb squid caught by New Zealand fishermen
[SIZE=-1]24dash.com, UK - 17 minutes ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]A New Zealand fishing crew has caught and landed an adult specimen of the colossal squid - a sea creature with eyes as big as dinner plates and swivelling, ...[/SIZE]


10m Colossal Squid Landed By NZ Fishermen
[SIZE=-1]ShortNews.com, Germany - 17 minutes ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Fishermen in New Zealand have landed what is believed to be a world-record-breaking squid.The squid which took two hours to land in Antarctic waters weighs ...[/SIZE]

...and this 450kg monster definitely is not the one we've recently seen pics of, since that one had a massive wound in the dorsal portion of the mantle. No such injury is visible in the AP-credited photo run by The Australian, or the BBC-hosted Getty Images shot (similar, but better)....

Edit:...as Architeuthoceras has already discovered!
saw this on the tv news last night our own DR SOS was admirably restrained, I'd've been jumping up and down with excitement!!!

I hear it's heading to Te Papa (museum)......Steve are you getting a squiz first??????? Hope so, we'll be waiting for details!!!!!!!!

I would suppose it was about 1,45 times the mantle length of the last catched Mesonychoteuthis, this would be a bit over 2m when I remember the mantle length of the juvenile correctly.

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