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Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni from 1981

Not annoyed at all, Tony, sounds like you're doing everything right (and doing right by Remeslo).

1. Cool.
2. Very cool.
3. Wait, what?
4. Cool.
5. Yes.

Looking forward to all of it.

Sorry guys, triaging site problems... I've got a bunch of info I absolutely will share in coordination with Alex... we've waited 30 years, what's a few more weeks? :smile: :rolleyes:
Biology and ecology of the world’s largest invertebrate, the colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni): a short review
Rui Rosa, Vanessa M. Lopes, Miguel Guerreiro, Kathrin Bolstad, José C. Xavier 2017 (subscription Polar Biology)

The colossal squid Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni (Robson 1925) is the largest (heaviest) living invertebrate and although it is preyed upon by many top predators, its basic biology and ecology remain one of the ocean’s great mysteries. The present study aims to review the current biological knowledge on this squid. It is considered to be endemic in the Southern Ocean (SO) with a circumpolar distribution spreading from the Antarctic continent up to the Sub-Antarctic Front. Small juveniles (<40 mm mantle length) are mainly found from the surface to 500 m, and the late juvenile stages are assumed to undergo ontogenetic descent to depths reaching 2000 m. Thus, this giant spends most of its life in the meso- and bathypelagic realms, where it can reach a total length of 6 m. The maximum weight recorded so far was 495 kg. M. hamiltoni is presently reported from the diets of 17 different predator species, comprising penguins and other seabirds, fishes and marine mammals, and may feed on various prey types, including myctophids, Patagonian toothfish, sleeper sharks and other squid. Stable isotopic analysis places the colossal squid as one of the top predators in the SO. It is assumed that this squid is not capable of high-speed predator–prey interactions, but it is rather an ambush predator. Its eyes, the largest on the planet, seem to have evolved to detect very large predators (e.g., sperm whales) rather than to detect prey at long distances. The study of this unique invertebrate giant constitutes a valuable source of insight into the biophysical principles behind body-size evolution.
Distribution and biology of the colossal squid, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni: New data from depredation in toothfish fisheries and sperm whale stomach contents
Alexander Remeslo, Valentin Yukhov, Kathrin Bolstad, Vladimir Laptikhovsky 2019

We provide new insights into the biology and distribution of the colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni), by analysing historical data collected during the commercial whaling years (1967–1974) together with recent information collated by CCAMLR observers in 2012–2017. The maximum abundance of colossal squid has been observed in the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic (Cooperation Sea), and the lowest in the Ross Sea (the area of highest abundance of its predator and competitor, the Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni). The colossal squid appears to feed primarily on mesopelagic fish. Spawning likely occurs in summer; ovulation is synchronous and mature egg size is ∼3 mm. Adult (large and maturing) M. hamiltoni are the most abundant in sperm whale diets at surface temperatures of −0.9 to 0 °C, which may indicate the locations of spawning grounds.
And the colossal squid fun just keeps on coming... found this posted on Reddit. How do I get on one of these boats?

BBC picked up on this thread! :meso:
Then, in 1981, a Soviet trawler called Eureka caught an enormous squid in its net while fishing in the Ross Sea off Antarctica. The discovery went largely unnoticed until the end of the Cold War a decade later. In the year 2000, Soviet scientist Alexander Remeslo wrote about the incident on The Octopus News Magazine Online forum, giving first-hand testimony on how the animal was captured.

The article:

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