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New Forum: Cthulhu


Staff member
May 30, 2000
Reaction score
Not exactly sure what took me so long, but here we are. I'm happy to announce the new TONMO.com Cthulhu forum! :cthulhu: Our moderator is Erich Orser. Thanks Erich!

Please excuse me while I go move Cthulhu discussions to this new forum...

Thanks Tony ! We feel like the stars aligned, and the moss covered crypts have been unfettered, whilst alien intelligences grope at our mind gates !
Hmm, those other Cthulhu threads were starting to take up a little space. Consolidation of gibbering madness was definitely called for. Thanks, Tony!
are you nuts? Cthulhu'd probably give Tony the silver key for all of the promotion !

All kidding aside, it is nice to have all of the miscellaneous information gathered into one area, and should pull in some new Tonmo-ites...you can't love Cthulhu without loving cephs, and the more people we have out there interested in marine conservation, the better !

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