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Aug 15, 2005
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as i have been reading a good bit of the cuttle threads on this site, i have seen that some people are saying that the lights made there cuttle go blind, but i have also seen where people said that there cuttle was just fine. P.S. i plan to keep s. banendsis
i need cuttle said:
as i have been reading a good bit of the cuttle threads on this site, i have seen that some people are saying that the lights made there cuttle go blind, but i have also seen where people said that there cuttle was just fine. P.S. i plan to keep s. banendsis

This was covered in the article I sent you.
No, I havnt seen it...

I think that one of the biggest problems with MH lighting is simply that they are more likely to hide from it and if keeping officinalis the temperature would get too hot for them.

I did swap from fluro tubes to MH when my officinalis were quite large and the really did stick to the shadows more
So far, the ones I have, size for size, are more secretive during the day than officinalis were. Currently I am using an 18 watt grolux fluro tube and they really only get active just before dark or when they see feeding clues.

To be honest the jury is still out on this one as far as I am concerned. I have never done direct comparisons between tanks with and tank without MH lighting.

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