Originally posted by Sorceress
I'm interested in knowing what cuttlegirl knows "from personal experience" about the strength of the jaws of elephant seals? When and where did you learn about this "up close and personal", and what light can you bring to bear on this question because of your experience?
I worked and volunteered at a marine mammal rehabilitation center for 14 years... We rescued and treated California Sea Lions, Pacific Harbor Seals and Northern Elephant Seals. We treated adult and young sea lions and harbor seals, but we mostly dealt with pups and yearling elephant seals. Let's just say that none of the animals liked to be rescued, given shots, force-fed fish or to have their wounds scrubbed .
I was bitten by one time or another by every species that we cared for, but an elephant seal chomping down on your calf or steel-toed boot left BIG bruises...