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Marty - the Wonderpus


O. bimaculoides
Nov 8, 2012
Last week, my LFS got a wonderpus octopus in at a great price and I luckily had a tank that I could house him in. Before I figured out it was a wonderpus, my gf had already named it Marty (since it was labeled as a zebra octopus at the LFS). I initially acclimated him in a large critter cage, but once I saw him making attempts to explore, I released him into the display tank.

His mantle is around two inches and his longest arm is around 8 inches. His 3rd right arm was damaged so not sure if its a female or male. He is very active and constantly explores his tank. Thankfully he is not as nocturnal as my previous dwarf "bali" octopus. I hope I can get at least 1-3 months or more with Marty (fingers crossed).

Here are two feeding videos where I fed him live shrimp since that's what the LFS had him on. He is taking frozen shrimp off a stick now.

Marty ended up passing away 10/7/22 from senescence.

He was very very persistent hunter. Making multiple attempts and long pursuits of very quick Bay Area ghost shrimp (freshwater ghost shrimp are pretty slow and dumb in comparison). When I have time, I will upload the all hunting videos I have of him.

And not shy at all and very explorative.

He would dig holes in the sand that he would hide in in the corners of the tank.

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