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Looking to buy an octopus today, anyone have any references

Aug 22, 2019
Reaction score
Just joined the forum, have a 65 gallon thats been cycling for awhile, have had an octo before but he never ate... looking to try again. I just wanted to know if anyone on the forums sells them? Or knows the best place to buy them online? Pygmy, dwarf common atlantic anything really besides a blue ringed. thanks for everyones time
Hi @fiskerkarma25 - thanks for joining. I am working on a potential source for offering cephalopods to responsible owners, through TONMO. I hope to be able to share some info in about a week. In the meantime, hopefully others will chime in with any immediate availability -- otherwise, please let us know if you are able to get one!
@fiskerkarma25 Love your handle! My Model 3 Tesla is just now a year old but I drooled at Drive Electric day when I saw my first Karma!


KP Aquatics has a waiting list option that is sometimes helpful (Hit or miss - timing is all). Live Aquaria also sometimes have animals from the Philippines (seeing less of them since they were acquired by PetCo). Occasionally you can find a diver caught FL animal on Ebay (rare) or at local Fish shops.
@fiskerkarma25 Love your handle! My Model 3 Tesla is just now a year old but I drooled at Drive Electric day when I saw my first Karma!


KP Aquatics has a waiting list option that is sometimes helpful (Hit or miss - timing is all). Live Aquaria also sometimes have animals from the Philippines (seeing less of them since they were acquired by PetCo). Occasionally you can find a diver caught FL animal on Ebay (rare) or at local Fish shops.

Haha thanks man, ive got a 9,000 repair on my karma currently and has to go all the way to philly.... the repairs are not fun, the looks are tho haha. youre much faster than me tho
@fiskerkarma25, mine is only the rear wheel drive long range (ie NOT performance and only 1 motor) 5 sec 0-60 so only a tiny bit faster :gigas:, a whole lot more reliable and considerably less expensive but not as good looking!
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Hi @fiskerkarma25 - thanks for joining. I am working on a potential source for offering cephalopods to responsible owners, through TONMO. I hope to be able to share some info in about a week. In the meantime, hopefully others will chime in with any immediate availability -- otherwise, please let us know if you are able to get one!

Any updates on the source for experienced enthusiast?

Thank you!
I'm on standby for inventory -- waiting for the text :smile:. It's only occasional availability. If you want to be notified when I post to this forum, go here:

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