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Lightin woes


O. bimaculoides
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
I have my octo under a normal flourescent light however wanted to add some corals for look so switched to a HO t5 setup just a double strip. My octo activity has gone from a lot to very little. i am just wondering if this would have any thing to do with the lighting? Eating fine, just not as out of the rock pile as normal. Could this just settling.

Tank is a 54 gallon bow. He is abotu a month, eating like a pig and extremely healthy
Some octopuses are nocturnal but not all. Yes, the new lighting could very well be the reason you're not seeing your octopus much.

You shouldn't be keeping any anemones or stinging corals in your octo tank. Some of the low-light corals like mushrooms or leather coral could be grown in a lower-light tank and you could still have your octopuses (and see it more).


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