erich orser;128400 said:
In addition to the usual good underwater pics, a lot of Dr's Gilly and Wood, including trying to keep animals alive from boat to lab (sadly, no win there) to try to do high-speed filming and microscopy of the flashing to see if it's a communication channel. They did find that when stimulated electrically, the chromatophores that cause the flashing are a different set than the ones that are visible normally.
Also, Scott Cassell sticks an endoscope into a live Humboldt, so you can see gills, beating hearts, etc.
Also, Gilly's lab takes eggs and sperm from caught squids, does in vitro fertilization, and raises the young for 10 days. Also, Gilly finds and films and samples the gelatinous egg mass of Humboldts. Also, Gilly dissects a lot of giant axons out of 'em: apparently, unlike sluggish big squids like
Architeuthis, Humboldts actually have a scaled-up giant axon with the usual benefits for physiology research.
That's about all I can remember, aside from the usual footage. I was glad to see Gilly & Scott presented in a less adversarial way, although they weren't ever on camera at the same time.