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Sep 6, 2005
I really need some help i want an octopus bad but i have no clue ok i read all this stuff on them but i want to know some common sence stuff ok like i want a cool octopus but a small one please use inches not centimeters. ignore my spelling by the way. ok i have like a 25 gallon would that be big enoufgh for a small one or am i going to buy a new one i have no idea what i am doing so if anyone could help that would be awesome.

Nancy has a great article under "ceph care" that should help you out quite a bit...25 gallons is going to be too small for anything but a dwarf octopus, though.
Keeping an octopus is much like maintaining a reef tank...have you had a reef tank before? They are fascinating!
In regards to the conversions...you are going to want to start using metric measurements anyway, most articles deal with stats in centimeters, etc. (it seems a hard at first, but within no time, you'll get it )
:welcome: to tonmo, too !!!!

My advice to you is to keep studying about their biology first...and then go into captivity purposes.

Otherwise, look at the "ceph care" section of this site of course. It answers all of your questions. And since you seem new to this, you should get a Bimaculoides Octopus...which is a species located on the coasts of california. It's the best type to keep in captivity.

Your tank is much too small. You need at least a 50 gallon aquarium tank hooked up with the right filters, skimmers, and maintenence. You'll also need to know how to make sea salt with the right products and so on. Just do lots of research.

However...I do NOT recommend keeping one if this is your very first time keeping any water-creature. There meant for experts and should be researched before handled at home.
really dumb kid said:
i also hear it is exremly hard to main tain a salt water tank

From what you have said, it sounds like you might want to develop your skills by maintaining a mini-reef tank with soft corals for a while, so you can get a handle on taking care of an invertebrate tank...while, true, it is a lot of work, it is also unbelievably rewarding.
Glad you joined up...keep us posted !

All you have asked is right here:

Cephalopod Care

400? I would double that, honestly. As well as the fact that you are going to have to have some serious experience with keeping a reef tank first !
Don't get discouraged, though...learning is more, much more, than half of the fun !

really dumb kid said:
thanks and also can a two spot chage texture

Basically all octopuses can change the color AND texture of their skin to match their surroundings wherever they go. And again, I also recommend researching their biology as much you can so if you ever get an octopus in captivity, you'll be aware of everything thats going on and wont panic over something ordinary in their lifestyle.
There is a poll at the top of the Tank Maintenance Forum that shows how much people have spent on their tanks and other equipment. You might want to read the individual posts, too, to see what people have actually bought.

Some octos do a lot more color and texture change than others - depends on the species and perhaps to some extent, the individual. Siince I had a lot of lavendar and purple coralline algae in my tank, I saw a lot of those colors on my bimac (very pretty on an octo).

It's a good suggestion that you get some salt water experience first -- you wouldn't need such a large tank to start with.

really dumb kid said:
well i have had alot of fresh water fish so im not completely clueless

well rdk, saltwater tanks are waaaaaaaaaay different to fresh and can be considerably more difficult to keep and octopus are amongst the most difficult marine critters!

I REALLY support what the others have been saying, get some marine experience before you try for an octi, it'll be worth it in the long run!


I'd recommend an invertebrate tank. Octos are invertebrates, so some of the concerns would be the same.

You could have one or two cleaner shrimp (skunk shrimp), which are very friendly and will learn to eat from your hand - they're pretty, too. You could have various snails and crabs to clean your tank and there'd be room to tuck in a couple of outher small creatures, depending on the tank size.

It's important to have a tank like this where you can see it well up close - it becomes a whole little world with its own inhabitants and is a lot of fun to watch.


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