I got some bad news the other day

Nancy said:
This is very interesting, Jean, because I'm sure I read some sort of news release within the last six months which reported that 9 times out of 10 the octos caught in pots were FEMALE! Maybe someone got mixed up!
You'd certainly be in a position to know!


That's very interesting! Well we definitely get males in pots! We prefer them for obvious reasons!

Was it someone in NZ? Cos maybe it's different for different species????

So what species is the on in the pond and how big is it? Which would be more troublesome, to get the current octo from the pond or a new one from some of the pots?
hi Jean!

Had a laugh about Mrs Henry's name - Im an ozzie so I got it! but sad to hear of her passing :(
good to read of someone in the vicinity, but i do have a question, you said you had eggs, was that by chance? or do you have a breeding program etc. of some sort?
Sorry to gate crash someone elses forum! but was just passing through!
joel_ang said:
So what species is the on in the pond and how big is it? Which would be more troublesome, to get the current octo from the pond or a new one from some of the pots?

It's another P. cordiformis these are super common! She's pretty small, only about half a metre arm spread and about 5kg. Yes it might be easier to get another but our boats are all away or busy right now so we'll keep trying to get her until they're back (or we can get a trip out) if we haven't by then, well then we'll try for another.

krogey said:
hi Jean!

Had a laugh about Mrs Henry's name - Im an ozzie so I got it! but sad to hear of her passing
good to read of someone in the vicinity, but i do have a question, you said you had eggs, was that by chance? or do you have a breeding program etc. of some sort?
Sorry to gate crash someone elses forum! but was just passing through!

Hi Krogey,

Crash all you want! and :welcome:

The eggs were definitely by chance! we don't have a breeding programme as such (course if the eggs had been fertile we'd have looked after the squirts!) This species has somewhere in the vicinity of 70, 000 eggs and most do hatch......thats a lot of mouths to feed :D I know we could release but somehow.........that just seems wrong at least until they've had a few feeds! Prob is we're a very small aquarium with few staff and looking after these squirts just takes so much time.

Where abouts in Oz are you?


We in sunny (NOT! 8) ) Melbourne hahahah!
We looking to start something similar to "Octopets" over here since our Quarantine laws dont allow us to import ANY live moluscs :x so I was curious if you had eggs how you got that far... I have to get back to AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services) about applying for an exeption but I have been told to get such a thing you basically have to write a theisis on the impact to the environment if it were to get out. Being that I lack a marine Biology Degree I dont think I gonna have much success so the only other option is to breed my own... which again is going to be near impossible considering its so rare for us to get them at all over here! But I have a few tricks up my sleeve yet!

In the end we set a snorkeler into the pond armed with the fire hose! ( A gentle spray of freshwater herds them a bit like a sheepdog!) It's now in the display tank and is sulking in a corner. I'll let you all know what we call it and whether it's a he or a she!

Cheers J

I have very funny images in my head of the look on the octo's face when he saw this funny looking fish with a snorkel shooting a jet of water...


the octo probably was thinking: "hey! I'm the one who's supposed to spray! and you got it wrong too, it's ink you have to spray, not water!!!! :grad: "

Our new octi has settled in and is eating! She is a girl! and has been putting on some nice displays for our visitors! Her name is Delphine (this time we let an adult visitor name her!) She measures around 1m total length and was busy exploring the doors to the octopus fortress this morning. Which meant she was out of the water and suckered on to the perspex......just at the time I was taking a "behind the scenes" tour through. About half the visitors thought it was great....the other half were severely traumatised :shock: :D Oh well.... I probably didn't help by opening the door and playing with her :lol: :twisted:

Hi Jean,

That's good news about Delphine (good octo name, too!). Seems like she's settling in well.

Do you have any photos of her that you could post?


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