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Pygmy Octopus
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all, my name is jason, done 15y fishing in NZ, and around the globe just here to help people understand the truth, of our fishing in NZ :welcome: :welcome:
:welcome: to TONMO. I'm very much in favor of having an opportunity to hear some feedback from people who are out on the water as part of their careers.

However, I'd like to request that you pay close attention to the forum rules... some of your posts so far have been either near or over the line of some of them.

In particular, the impression I get is that you are expecting an argument. If this impression is wrong, I apologize, but please make sure to avoid trolls and flamewars.

A second issue, which ties in a bit, is that although we discuss marine conservation here and have a number of people with a great deal of knowledge and passion on the subject, this site is primarily about cephalopods... since fishing, fisheries, marine conservation, marine ecology, and marine ecosystems are often relevant to our discussions, we do have some the "marine conservation" forum to discuss those topics, but this isn't, nor should it be, a site for people to get into arguments or on soapboxes on topics that are outside the scope of cephalopods... there are other, more appropriate web sites to discuss more general issues about such things. I say this because most (all?) of your posts have not mentioned cephalopods at all. Admittedly, some of the posts you've replied to have already strayed pretty far afield of cephalopod-specific issues, but most of the participants are here primarily to talk about cephalopod-related topics, and I haven't seen much from you on that topic.

In that spirit, have you been involved in squid fishing, or fishing with a large bycatch of squid? There have been a number of accounts recently that the movement of Patagonian Toothfish boats further into Antarctic waters has led to many more encounters with the colossal squids (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltonithat prey on the toothfish than have ever been reported before... do you have any experience with the Toothfish fishing industry? I'm not sure if the fishermen see these squids as a nuisance, since they're competing for the same fish, or as "cool! a giant squid!" or what... since this is a very rarely encountered animal, the information reported by fishermen is extremely valuable to scientists studying it... they are the only people who have ever seen live adults of this species, as far as I know.

I also don't know if NZ has a significant commercial fishing industry devoted to octopus or cuttlefish... I know there is a large market for those as food in Asia, but not so much NZ proper, so I don't know if NZ fishermen find it worthwhile to catch them for export, or if the market in Asia is already saturated with local cephalopods...

again, :welcome: to TONMO

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