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Help! please tell me what this is on my glass


O. vulgaris
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
I just found these things crawling on my glass. I have had the aquarium set up for over five months and I have never noticed them before.

I put a picture and a short video of this thing. There are several on my glass.


  • conv_303050.wmv
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  • conv_303051.jpg
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Thats a flatworm, but not the plague kind. That one eats copepods and its fun to watch them hunt.
Thanks Thales!

I was feeling guilty and lazy. I knew they were harmless but ate something minor that was desirable. For the life of me I couldn't remember what they were or where I had gotten the answer myself when one showed up in my seahorse tank. They really are interesting to watch but mine died off pretty quickly. I even tried to culture one in a small pico tank (that has lots of pods) because they were interesting but was not successful.

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