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Hello All!


Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
I would like to say "hello to all" finally! I have been Lurking around TONMO for a while and could no longer stand not being a member
so here I am! I'm looking forward to geting into Ceph ownership, an adventure i would have never thought possible if i hadn't found TONMO! Thanks to all involved in providing the info on this site. And OH yea, Hi Yall!
Welcome! Thanks for joining, and thanks very much for subscribing and becoming a Supporter... As I mentioned, you got in at the right time, since I'm about to raise the subscription fee to $25 for all new subscribers. :wink2:... Everyone with an existing subscription will continue to enjoy the current rates indefinitely -- the new rates will only apply to new subscribers.

Glad to have you on board!
thanks for the warm welcome!!
I hope it won't offend anyone if i
reserve the right to continue LURKING!
I kinda liked being a Lurker! hehe
Cajunman said:
thanks for the warm welcome!!
I hope it won't offend anyone if i
reserve the right to continue LURKING!
I kinda liked being a Lurker! hehe

sorry, now you're a "larval mass," and there's no going back, just onward towards "colossal squid" or "Cthulhu"! You'll have to post quite a bit to catch Greg, though...
monty said:
sorry, now you're a "larval mass," and there's no going back, just onward towards "colossal squid" or "Cthulhu"! You'll have to post quite a bit to catch Greg, though...

i guess i'll have to "hatch" my way threw this!

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